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Tuesday, January 7, 2003

January 7, 2003

           May be Jamie and I won't part company so quickly. Neither of us has found a suitable place, so were staying on by the day. Maybe this will tip the landlord off that no matter what else; very few people want to live above those people downstairs. They constantly hit on you and never have anything in return. Every time you walk past dating out the door and one of the world 20 bucks. Myself, it's easy to say no, but a lot of other people don't find it so.
           I went to look at a new place, on 33rd St. I made arrangements to meet them at 6 p.m. today. The place was a bit of a dive but I wanted to be living there in case anything became available next door. I'd wanted to get there for a year, but kept missing the vacancies. When I arrived, I found four other people also waiting to see the same apartment.

           It didn't take long to surmise that the lady, Mara, phone 305-979-0580 and 786-298-0144 has been talking the talk. I called her up in the story changed. Somebody called James also wants to meet us, but he didn't. Some of these people had driven all the way here from Homestead. Mara is incredibly stupid, even though she was the one that set up the appointments she denied any responsibility for James's no-show and kept saying, "I can do nothing.” Repeatedly.
           This reminds me of the first place I stayed in Miami. I paid top motel rates for a few weeks while looking for steady work. Every day I went to the ATM and withdrew the daily rent and enough for myself for the day. Just before 11 a.m. checkout I paid up for the next day. I was long-term, reliable.
           Then one day I got a call back for an interview at 10:30, if I could get there immediately, because they needed somebody today. I was staying at [a motel on Flagler] and I asked the lady if I could pay at 12:30 when I returned from the interview. She damn near blacked out. She began to moan, "Noooooooooooo. Nooooooooooooo." I sincerely thought she was going to choke so I withdrew the money came back pay the rent, and missed the interview. It was another two weeks before I found something suitable. Lost a grand on that deal.

           [Author's note: this Mara was something else in the annals of inconsideration. Even if one of us had taken that apartment, the other three would have wasted their trips over there. She said she had no keys, no car and lived in the next county. I reminded her that she said she was personally going to meet me there and she lied, saying she'd never made any such statement. Typical Miami ass hat. As far as I was concerned she should've called a locksmith and taken a taxi over.
           I hate people who make promises they can't keep and don't accept responsibility. [I shouldn't tell you this, but] I called the Immigration on her [from a phone booth] and noted a week later she wasn't answering her phone.
           The motel is on West Flagler, about 20th Ave. I moved out the next day. It turns out if they didn't get my money up front; Florida Power & Light was going to disconnect their electricity. I had not yet learned that a lot of Florida businesses, particularly immigrant businesses, operate on that narrow margin.]