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Thursday, February 27, 2003

February 27, 2003

           The Blues Brothers drove this car in the movie. Princess Robyn and I took the day off to tour Universal Studios around ten years ago. The tour is actually a far better deal than Disneyland or Knott’s Berry Farm. What I remember most was reasonable prices and the largest escalator you’ve ever seen. It goes all the way down a California arroyo to a site on the north slope of the Santa Monica range.
           6:33 a.m., Miami. More database, mostly critical comments. Today there was a little confrontation at work. It’s that new Dayjami who spoke out of turn. I was describing a new screen form (to somebody else) when she quips, “I don’t know if that’s such a good idea.”
[To paraphrase, if she had any idea what a good idea was she wouldn’t be such a loser.] She reminded me of Renatta at the phone place. [Renatta was a supervisor who was supposed to have a high IQ, or so we were told. She kept picking at me until I confronted her. She publicly admitted that although she had never heard me say I was smart (neither has anyone else), she thought I “acted smart”. I took this to mean she preferred people who acted stupid. Since this happened at the phone company, I am sure she is still there. She was unable to explain why “smart” bothered her so much.]
           Renatta dislikes highly educated people and tries to twist every situation to prove that, even if you are smart, you must therefore lack common sense. [Someone once said a failure is just something trying to be itself and not succeeding. In her world, of you were smart it is because you “used up” some the energy you should have used to be nice. Only she had the correct balance. Kind of reminds you of the Hippie.]
           Now Hector [the buffoon hired as computer administrator who could not use a computer] took the intro Access [database] course. He’s sold, but still at the [primitive] stage of knowing how the components work without experience in the side-effects of doing so. Trial and error mode.
           [Author’s note: Hector went on to become the most detested person at the company because he used his position to read other people’s email and personal files. It turned out he lacked the IQ to learn database. I omitted a lengthy passage here of samples of the wrong way to use database features. For example, Hector could never grasp that locking individual fields was not good security. One need only click slightly off such a field and use the mouse wheel to scroll through all manner of sensitive information.]
           I never really learned the MS system of embedding file paths 10 and 15 layers deep. I’ve used it but never thought the marketplace would stand for anything so needlessly complicated. In fact, the newest versions of Windows remind me of mistake made by people in my college classes who just weren’t “getting it”. They would often put a critical file so many layers deep they could not find it again.. Oddly, they seemed to like software that did the same thing.