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Saturday, December 20, 2003

December 20, 2003

           [Author's note: this post was originally missing. I was reviewing my lifelong insurance and retirement strategies when I found this empty date. I had stayed up late on this night (Saturday) composing some lyrics, feeling completely fine. I had earlier washed the Cadillac and vacuumed, a good day's work. Later, I stopped at the Spanish club on the corner to chat up some blonde lady. When I laid down on the sofa later, I did feel the slightest but unusual "gurgling" sensation in my stomach, not my chest area.

           The only precedent was during 1995 to 1999 I underwent a lengthy bout of cardiomyopathy, also known as the "Broken Heart Syndrome". If you think that is psychosomatic, think again. I had no signs of any "real" heart problems and the condition cleared up rapidly when I moved away from the Pacific. Or so I thought. While the condition is nothing like an actual heart attack, it cannot be dismissed as just a condition that weakens your entire system. It certainly leaves you more susceptible. On that count, let me tell you it is surely possible to die from a broken heart, you just wink out. Literally. And you don't care.
           That's the best non-medical description I can give of the non-physical aspects of a heart attack. Sorry, I'm no poet.]

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