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Friday, January 2, 2004

January 2, 2004

           The cheapest custom made picture frame, a 4x6” is $25.00. At least I know how they make money at it now. I think that I have never bought a picture frame in my life. Document frames yes, but picture frames I don’t do. It doesnt’ make sense to me, probably because I’ve never owned any expensive art nor needed to. Everything you own is just another thing you have to store or carry around. Except for books I really don’t own anything.
           My ad in the paper. Two things about that. One is you have to have a picture these days. Two is that there was no mention of it during the lengthy sign-up process, or in the instructions or on any page, but the last thing (when you go to check for responses), they want $15.00 per month. That’s one of the reasons I think the internet is on the way out. All sites should be free and driven by advertising revenue. Of course, with a switch to allow you to turn off the advertising.
           It was quiet at work, just Ernie and I in our department. I got a closer look at the new sequel server. I was able to modify and save a query, but not base a report on it. Nor can I figure out parameter queries, where the operator specifies what they want just before running the query. Paul says he created both the views and the queries from what existed in the old database. The views seem restricted to displaying table contents but I haven’t had time to see if I can do any arithmetic with them. (Note: I tend to label basic number operations including exponentiation as arithmetic, not math. Math is hard to do.)
           The unusual today? Brittle plastic in my car trunk. I used to wonder why I keep buying gas cans in my life, yet I never lose or wear one out. They get brittle with age. Not the can, but the spout and stopper pieces, without which the gas can is useless. The life span is about 15 years per gas can. Hint for the day. Plastic bingo chips work fine in parking meters. (What? Well cities should be designed with enough parking in the first place. Only an Englishman builds 50 apartments with exactly 50 parking spaces. Then his cousin buys a tow truck, right?)