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Monday, June 21, 2004

June 21, 2004

           What? Another note that we finished painting the garage. There you have it folks, we did such a fine job that we finished it twice. Can’t read my own handwriting. The Caddy is in the shop. It is week 3 of 13 weeks marked for some long forgotten reason. It seems I may have walked to the library in Hialeah, the nearest branch. Generally, in towns like Hialeah, you get the whole place to yourself, if you get my drift.
           Today a little history was made when SpaceShipOne reached the outer fringes of the atmosphere. That’s the first privately launched spacecraft in history. They just made it, the edge of outer space being defined as 62 miles straight up. They are taking bookings for rides, a clear shift away from science toward commercial exploitation. If it was good enough for Columbus and Marco Polo, we’ll call these voyages of “exploration”.