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Monday, June 28, 2004

June 28, 2004

           If a person born this date saved a quarter a day, in ten years they'd have $456.75. Saving doesn't work. So if you youngsters have any parents or financial advisers telling you how wonderful the rewards are, they've plainly never tried it themselves. Demand proof, kiddies! And that's real proof, as in audited bank statements and income tax returns. Not sketches or spreadsheets showing the theory. Also, if even ten percent of the workers saved, the American credit-based economy would falter. It's one of those things that the working poor figure out, even if authors and reporters never did.
           Here is a photo of Mars taken this date in 2004. I was awed by this photo. Not because it looks like the family farm, but because I did not know that henceforth, news from Mars would fall into a ten-year hiatus. It was the aftermath of the Shuttle Program fiasco, billions down the tubes all to make the rocket launches politically popular to everyone.

           [Author's note 2016-07-01: Chalk that up to an accurate prediction. All NASA has done since 2004 is send up "rovers" of extremely limited capabilities. They are basically small six-wheeled carts that examine the rocks. They move sluggishly around and can't navigate most of the terrain. What's needed is a small drone that flies systematically around the entire planet, relaying back pictures from a few hundred meters high. The hardware and guidance systems have been around for years, but NASA refuses to do anything that might decrease their federal funding. The rover concept is done, NASA, please move on.]

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