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Saturday, July 3, 2004

July 3, 2004

           A broken tail light cost me $75. That would have been on the Cadillac. I still had it some years after I could no longer afford it. Sentimental value. That Caddy was a car that got you from A to Z. I can hear the peanut gallery saying I don't want girls like that. The hell I don't.
           Here is a picture out of sequence with the time line [of this blog]. It as actually taken in January 2005, but it is included here because so many people have forgotten that, while NASA was on the decline, the Europeans had entered the race. They landed a probe on Titan, probably Saturn's most intriguing moon. Their photography is amateurish, but here is yet another reddish, barren plain like Mars. So this photo, showing nearby boulders about 9 inches long, was ho-hum. Yet, it was a completely different undertaking, utterly different than the Mars landers.

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