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Monday, August 23, 2004

August 23, 2004

           Monday. That's it. Nothing else on this day except a note that I bought a new printer. Let's look deeper. Okay, back in 1963, the Beatles released "She Loves You". Twenty days later it reached number one and stayed there for a month. Then it came back on November 28 and stayed on top another two weeks. The "youth of today" cannot imagine the influence of this one band. The one thing that set them apart is they were not the standard teen musicians of the day, doing what they were told and playing music written for them by adults.
           Plus, the Beatles were much smarter than the agents, politicians, and police, that tried to reign them in. Even those who try to deny the Beatles were that great have to admit they influenced every musician of note right to this day. Um, that's "of note" you ska fans.
           The Beatles, for the most part, were plain witty. That’s something Knoppfler, Hendrix, and the lot can’t aspire to. Try to stay awake during a Clapton interview if you can. Here are some of my favorite Beatle’s quotes.

John Lennon:
           "If everyone demanded peace instead of another television set, then we'd have peace."

           “One has to completely humiliate oneself to be what the Beatles were . . . . It happened bit by bit, until . . . you're doing exactly what you don't want to do with people you can't stand -- the people you hated when you were ten.”

           "Reality leaves a lot to the imagination."

           "What I'd have liked would have been the money and the hit records without the fame."

George Harrison:
           (In response to "What do you call that hairstyle you're wearing?")

Ringo Starr:
           "Everything the government touches turns to crap."

           (When asked what he thought of topless bathing suits.)
           "I've been wearing them for years." (Various versions exist of this one.)

           (When asked how he found America.)
           "Turn left at Greenland."

Paul McCartney:
           "There's a lot of money involved."
           (Okay, so he wasn't the cleverest Beatle.)

Here is a rarely published Beatle's photo.