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Sunday, August 29, 2004

August 29, 2004

           JZ and I drove out to Naples in my Cadillac. We took the old roads, such as are available in the Everglades. We bought a six-pack and hung out watching babes. He doesn't know the Florida west coast much. We didn't stay out there long. It's an older crowd. Back in town, we drove through Cutler Ridge to see there is still damage from Hurricane Andrew.
           It's good I've got the nerve to leave town for a day now and again, it took me a while to feel up to it. Here is one of Time Magazines pictures of the month. That magazine and I have had a falling out over price, repetition, poorly chosen viewpoints (meant to sell magazines rather than inform), and far too many articles on fringe issues. But they take great pictures and this is what I'd be doing if I was young again.