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Wednesday, March 23, 2005

March 23, 2005

           I yakked with The Hippie for over an hour after class. The [amplifier repair] guy called him back less than an hour after I dropped off those two amplifiers in Delray Beach, so that would seem to point to it being an easy repair. The Hippie talked about his arrest for violation of probation several years ago. He really did learn the hard way that lawyers and police and judges are not people you can trust. Only a judge would believe a forty year old man would resist arrest and try to assault five cops, but that is the case here. This is the incident where he walked out of a 7-11 and a grubby guy asked him if he wanted some pot. I stress this is HIS side of the story.
           But first this picture of the big rock concertin Hyde Park, in England. This is what the crowd looked like at these concerts in Britain just ten years ago. And if the crowd in American looked anything like that, why I might attend some my self. Anyway, back to the one-sided story.
           Then the grub started trying to push cocaine and such, so he tried to leave. Five cops dragged him from his car by the hair, handcuffed him, pepper sprayed his face and kicked the daylights out of him. Then, they sprayed him again at the station while he was still handcuffed because he asked for something to wipe his eyes. I have a different word for people who attack a handcuffed man. Talk about a setup, five cops words against a hippie with a previous marijuana conviction which they told the judge made him pre-deposed to drug use. Law enforcement attracts such brilliant specimens, don’t you think?
           He also had a lazy lawyer. The Hippie went down to the police station and got proof that two of the police had reprimands for excessive violence, but that lawyer couldn’t see the connection. That is why I don’t like trials where the police are the only witnesses. It is too obvious they lie to protect themselves, and too many judges seem to think bad cops are okay because it is not the cop who is on trial. This reminds me of the worst cases of English law, where people could be convicted for trying to defend themselves in court. Anything they said was ruled “inflammatory”.
           The cops are running a sting operation in the Baer’s furniture parking lot. It is right behind The Hippie’s. They have a mobile home set up, and a ridiculously pretty (for this area) bitch cop in a miniskirt pretending to talk on a cell phone. I knew nothing about the sting, but I smelled a rat long time ago. She is just too good looking. Others didn’t.
           The Hippie says they seem to have arrested fifty or more johns for soliciting a prostitute. Who was soliciting? Cops are sicko when it comes to any sex crime, they are the worst people to contact because they really want the details. If you ask me, they become cops mainly because of the macho crap about police and firemen, but generally they are like jocks [in the sense that] they wind up all screwing the same group of women everybody else has. The prostitute bait thing is another “Thought Crime”. In cop-think, since a lot of those men were undoubtedly married, does that just makes them pre-disposed to sex? Ha ha.