[Author’s note: I must have originally put a lot of work into this entry, there were dozens of pictures. I’ll ask you to imagine the ones that didn’t make it, I had to trim down the file sizes.]
Does anyone remember:
Chris Montez (1) ???
Every Mother’s Son (5) Come On Down to My Boat Baby
The Tremeloes (4) Here Comes My Baby (In the Midnight Moonlight)
The Happenings (4) ???
Scott McKenzie (1) San Francisco (Flowers in Your Hair)
The Parade (3) ???
Frank Sinatra (1) ???
There must be pages missing. Yes, 16 pages because there are no matching tunes Let’s have some fun and attach the names to the pictures, which I claim as fair usage because they are so old they don’t even have advertising value. No cheating now, I want you to name these rock musicians from memory. I’ll give you a hint.
The first one is Frank Sinatra, although what the hell he is doing in a book of rock music is anybody’s guess. Just take a look at that dipshit hat! Now, his daughter Nancy, did chant (as opposed to sing) a few tunes at around the same time as others were playing real rock music. But she isn’t in the photo. For some reason my word processor won’t put a number insert in Ole Blue Eye’s photo, but if it would, he gets number zero.
Let’s see who we can recognize on sight? Okay, well number 2 is the only known photo of Scott McKenzie, last seen clearing out of San Francisco in the general direction of Chanute, Kansas, muttering something about “the whole damn record business anyway”.
Then we can guess which is Every Mother’s Son because there are five members. Otherwise, they are indistinquishable from any other group of farm boys who experimented with long hair for roughly half of 1966, only to discover that didn’t get them any chicks either. Notice they all have very crisp left parts in their hair? That, you see, is the ‘Mother’ part.
That leaves photo number 1 as The Happenings. Note the pocket handkerchiefs? Those were big prop items back then. Whoever they are, they did not happen for very long nor anywhere I’ve ever heard of. Get a load of those greaseball haircuts and receding hairlines. Apparently for the first month everyone mistook the promo for an ROTC recruitment poster, during which period the band went bankrupt from dry cleaning bills. While none of the above is true, we are still waiting for more plausible explanations for their simultaneous disappearances on April 1, 1970. Except for Sinatra, in whose case most people had to be content with only wishing he had vanished.
I was a half-hour late getting to school, there was a rollover on Sample Road. I’m afraid some of my concerns about the teaching methods in this course are about to come true. The instructor stated tonight that we are “ready for the exam”. That is complete crock, we have barely touched on any one subject in any depth. Nobody who started from scratch is ready, although some did not start from scratch. We have gone over basic things ad nauseum but not learned any new useful things. People who have decided to go into computer repair probably already know how to turn on the computer, so why are we practicing that kind of thing?
I checked my e-mail. There is a long item there and it is from Rusty. I didn’t have time to read it, and that cheap school does not have a printer hooked up to any thing in the student area. I may have to pay $6 to get that letter tomorrow, but RH does say he spent 6 years in Saudi, and is still married to Marjorie. It looks almost like she spent the time there with him, I think I figured all this out on my own around ten years ago. Anyway, it is great to hear from him after almost 18 years.
This is exciting news for me, almost enough to make me forget that the Hippie called me yet again seeking free computer advice, and the new software for video capture already has a serious bug. This is my old contact in Taiwan, Kworld. I’m drinking coffee and reading the manual. The screen locks up when I try to capture video. I am getting throughput because I can see the opening scene on the monitor. I’ve directed the save to the HDD (Hard Disk Drive) but I suspect this software only likes to save to CD/DVD and has no buffer to save to HDD. So today I must buy and install a DVD burner. [The video problem turned out to be a serious glitch in the software, boo on Kworld. It seems it could be made to work, if you had 4 GB of RAM.]
We did not really do any computer work at school as scheduled. That has been shifted to Monday. He does tend to arbitrarily do things like that. For instance, tomorrow is another movie day, this time about the internet. It is great and nice, that is why I am going to see it. But it would be even nicer if he had scheduled them on different weeks and on regular class weeks. This last week, those working a 40 hour week would have another 23 hours of class time and in my case another 10 hours of travel time. Last I heard, this doesn’t leave much time to study in addition to eating and sleeping. He does not seem to factor in these issues. Part of the problem seems to be that he lives just across Federal, something very few people can afford to do much less students taking trade courses.
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