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Monday, March 14, 2005

March 14, 2005

           That’s JP ordering a soda out in the Redlands. We were out there for a tour. He used to ride his bicycle out there on Sundays as a lad. I’ve been meaning to get a bike myself but I still feel too weak to even try that much exercise. Like anything else, once I do it, I’ll be fine.
           JP wants to go to Marco Island this weekend, but on Saturday. It depends entirely on finances but I'm all for it. He’s got some big commitments on Sunday and that famous dollar store will be closing up any time now. I still have dozens of things around my apartment from that store, a lot of it I would not buy except at such a low price. Exotic vitamins and expensive tools.
           I glanced at the gas prices right after John hung up. Wow, $2.28 per gallon. Drive those SUVs, you Florida types. Drive ‘em hard, and get out yer credit card. A lot of people who own them rationalize saying they might need to haul stuff. Have you ever seen them do it?
           There is a neat guy [Don] in the computer class, he is a qualified aircraft mechanic. It pays so low, he is back going to computer school. I showed him some pictures at break. The toothpicks, the babes at Calle Ocho, but he was really floored by the multi-meter in the infinite horizon shot. Hey, it only took me 50 years to actually do it. Then, by coincidence, somebody throws out a piece of styrofoam the exact size and shape I was looking for. I am going to sacrifice one of my Office Depot file boxes to get more of these apparently impressive photos.
           I think I read the wires wrong because we did not download any printer drivers at class, plus I’ll have to go in tomorrow (Thursday) for another combined network class. The school calendar shows a large and undoubtedly very expensive set of networking courses, how I wish I had done some of that at the phone company. The phone company works on the Babbage system to make 100% sure you don’t learn how to do any complete job yourself that you could transfer to the outside. But I know some of the guys in cabling and network managed [to learn] it.

           Author's note 2015-03-14: this turned out to be the day I made my life-altering decision to get back on a bicycle. It was not any particular affinity for a bicycle, but that I found walking was out of the question. While walking is low impact, nonetheless I could feel that impact going directly to my heart on every step. There was really no other reasonable mode of transport available. This eventually led to expensive bicycles that I rode seven miles per day for 1,000 days. Then bought an electric model, which like most Broward bicycles, eventually gets stolen.