Not exactly a day off but lots of fun. It was cool and windy, so I had lots of indoor time to poke around. One of the major items is that CBC, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, called to ask about doing a feature on the dog wigs. I leapt into the line of fire, immediately informing Ruth of the untold taxpayer wealth of that outfit. I advised her to give them total cooperation. How I would love to send CBC a bill. You have no idea how much money those people burn to make “documentaries”. Even if it is indirect, this will be the first money I ever got out of the Canadian government.
I was helping to place the first large order for saleable product. This involves a lot of back and forth with the Orient but generally if everything gets repeated three times each way, there is worthwhile dialogue. The product still needs some polishing but the overall quality is excellent. At any given time I have around six weeks notice to get things done before the money runs out, so of course I was there today.
One of the projects I shelved was, well, to put up my shelves. The ceiling are quite high in the Florida room so I’d like to get some stuff I don’t use all the time up off the floor. To the overhead area where it can fall down during a hurricane. So that you know, the pending tasks are to buy a 5” B&W monitor, get Ruth a digital camera, buy some clipboards and hooks to hang them on and more pegboard hooks. There is always something when you own your own place.
Instead of a Friday over at the bookstore, I decided to stay in and work the Area Code pages. It is actually one page replicated around 70 times. It is the starting point for my first PHP database project. I really want to just get something out there. HTML is definitely a language I tend to forget if disused. Same with CSS, which is just as badly designed and involves incredible back and forth to understand to any degree. All of this can be bypassed by using automated page generators, but you can also kiss any high-paying jobs goodbye because of that.
You see, I’ve already forgotten how to format tables. Give me twenty minutes. There is a good wind coming off the Atlantic since y’day morning. Gusts up to 15 mph are enough to impel your bicycle off the path, contributing to my decision to stay put. The replies to my ad for a singer who strums have not been encouraging. Despite clear wording, I’ve only gotten one-trick ponies. That includes one persistent dude who can sing but is out of work.
A gripe. I put my cell phone on call block, and those complete azzholes “Coastal Vacation” have dialed through. This block prevents some of my top acquaintances from calling me. Only a retard could invent such a system. My contention is that Coastal cannot possibly do this without the cooperation of my cell phone company, Metro PCS. This may be what finally prompts me to change companies. The only asset of this outfit is they don’t require any contract.
It is just after 10:00 PM and I’m back. I ran through most of the song list, and whoa, do I ever regret that I cannot sing. I’m better than I was but it will take several lifetimes before I can do it for real. I also took time to code out the area code pages. There are around 900 separate pages, which, although nearly duplicates, do have to be painstakingly customized. This explains why none of the other free listings you see are very useful – it is a lot of hard work and the Internet (as opposed to computers) tends to attract the get-rich-quick types.
That is why I’ve returned to the old problem of piracy. If I code the way it should be done, there is nothing to stop anyone from stealing all my work. Thus, unless I can find a way to prevent anyone from looking at the source code, my plan is to print the pages, then scan them and display a picture of the page. I mean, how often do area codes change? Since I could rattle them off on a spreadsheet, there may even be a time savings there. By that, I mean that I could query the database and format the output on a spreadsheet. Say, didn’t I recently acquire software that makes PDFs out of spreadsheets?
Yes, I did. I’ll get back to you.
It’s near midnight. I’ve been eating pears and working on the bass utility cart. That is the hand cart that carries my bass amp and all the mess of cabling normally strung all over the stage. The plan started simple but I kept adding power bars and cleats and diverse other attachments until almost everything but the PA is mounted on the shelves. It works off one switch and my unspoken reasoning was that it was already too heavy to lift by myself, so make it the right weight for two people.