Here is a nice shot of my bicycle under the ice cream sign. I forgot my flash drive at the Thrift, so I biked over there this morning to get it. Oops on me. I mispriced that pilot’s wheel. It should have been $250 instead of $150. I do not know how that happened, Dickens was forgiving but I know he was disappointed. He could have sold it for that many times by now. You just can’t get good help these days.
So I spent most of the day in the shop working out the kinks in the blog software. It is really bad but I attribute that to HTML being a bad language to start with. Lack of communication, if I’d known they needed something, I could have done a much better job of it, and that is no boast. You’d think the designer would have at least talked to somebody who knew how to type.
On the way back, I stopped to photograph the “Main Street Mural”. Just west on Dania Beach Boulevard, they’ve painted an otherwise dismal wall along the street to look like a series of doorways and shops. It is worth a look. I rode around the long way through some old neighborhoods to see what was there. I even got over to the G’s favorite landmark, the Dania Beach water tower.
I stopped by to see how he was doing. He says he’s just hibernating and paying the bills. There’s a lot of that going on in Florida. I also went over to see if Steve, the cancer guy, was around. No sign of him, but the porch light was on and there’s a new extension cord on the patio. He might just be in the hospital again.
Next, I went over to Panera for coffee. I could not find the Su Doku puzzle. That Florida Sun-Sentinel is truly run by retards. It is practically impossible to find the entertainment page. It is not listed in the index. That is correct. The newspaper does not list on the front page any clue to the location of the comics section. Hence, run by retards. I did read a passage that policemen in Ft. Lauderdale make $72,000 per year.
Before I forget, I sampled some new food this morning. It is a cheese bread from Brazil. The lineup at the regular cafĂ© was too long so I went to the Dollar Store, there is an Argentine guy running a little shop in the wing. Its bread, but more like a light pastry. We got to talking and he is yet another guy who has heard that nonsense tale that medical is free in Canada. I cannot say it often enough, “Nothing is free in Canada, it never was and it never will be.” You pay for your doctor through taxation. Don’t go to Canada when you are young and healthy.
Ben, the new guitar player, has disappeared. He is not returning my calls. I’ll have to assume he changed his mind. If he does not call today, I’ll likely pull the pin on that adventure. That takes me back to square one.
I noted that the flags are at half-mast again. If somebody else died, I sure never heard about it. I did note that Hugo Chavez reportedly said America could go to hell. I don’t know who’s doing his PR work but he needs a better speech-writer. Apparently he was responding to some White House theorists who stated that he was gaining too much power. If so, it is those people who should go to hell for not minding their own business. I have to side with Chavez on that one because he is elected. For that matter, he’s been elected every time he ran, to the dismay of the former Venezuelan ruling class. I mean, until Chavez came along, 85% of the country lived in poverty. I’ve seen a ranchito, most of you have not.
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