Here is a relic of the 60s. Remember I mentioned the fallout shelters? By coincidence, this is posted at the entrance of a seniors condo where I went to do a lesson this evening. I would not have given the age of the building a second thought but for this sign. It’s a friend of Fred’s so I gave him an introductory low price. Good thing, because he was so badly hooked up over there that no amount of shop work would ever have got him hooked up.
I was over to Howard’s this morning. This was one of my original students and published author. Does anyone remember Joe, the Nigerian Internet cafĂ© owner who got robbed blind? He hooked up Howard’s network but not quite right. The reason Howard called is that strange recent behavior of a CD tray randomly opening and closing. I still don’t know the solution, but now that I’ve seen the problem on another computer, I’ll zero in on the cause. I think it is a new virus, or worse, an MS “update” that is incompatible with the drive. Opening Win XP seemed to trigger it.
That 1933 tape (Ace of Aces) is truly a mystery. It just will not copy and has now defeated my best efforts. Sure enough, the Sony recorder wasted another three hours of my time – when will I learn that every Sony product has some kind of built-in defect that they intentionally avoided telling you about. This one prevents you from finalizing a DVD if the device doesn’t auto-detect the end of the source tape. Sony will never convince me they did not do that on purpose.
Then I tried that cheap-ass V-Stream from K-World that has never worked right. I even rode over to Target but they no longer sell blank VHS tapes or small, cheap TVs (the current crop of DVD burners lack a monitor or any way to attach one, another Japanese brainstorm). Roland the neighbor saw me working around the house all morning and nicely offered to help me re-attach the storm shutter that blew off the west picture window.

What good is a journal if I don’t mention sex once in a while? The neighborhood guys are still talking about some new skinny blonde lady around here who works for $10. I don’t trust the accuracy of others on this point, but they are saying she is good-looking. If that is the case, I have certainly not seen her at all. Good-looking and Florida don’t normally belong in the same sentence. If you all behave, I’ll see if I can get a surreptitious photo of this beauty and let you be the judges. (Sorry, in the end, I couldn't find anything good looking in that range.)
It looks like yet another weekend without playing a gig. I called the G and gave him the update about Brian and me, explaining that the operation was a success but the patient died. I’m curious if he’ll ever say that he told me so. I’m tempted to walk over to this Flannigan’s to check it out. Didn’t I mention that? It is a chain of so-so bars, but there are so many of them with similar names and exteriors that I never memorized which was which. I dislike bars that are really over-priced restaurants that serve beer. I notice that fat people love to hang out at places like that.
The thing is, several of the locals have mentioned that it is a good place to meet women. I can’t see it. If it is like the others, it has a bar in the center with booths all around the edges and a patio. It is that bar in the center I don’t like. Is it a bar, or is it a restaurant? Since there is no dance floor (hence no band) it is not a bar. Since there is a regular crowd to drink but don’t eat, it is not a restaurant. Either way, I’ve never cared for drinking places that do not have live entertainment. That is just me, I know.
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