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Saturday, January 27, 2007

January 27, 2007

           These are genuine replacement Harley-Davidson turn signal lenses. You know, for when you roll your Harley. It was another slow day, and I’m still out of coffee. I get cranky about that. To cheer things up, I did go and eat in a restaurant, like I said I would. I’ll tell you about it later.
           No, JZ did not show. Is anyone surprised? That means next Saturday I may go to South Miami and wake him up. JZ is the State champion sleeper, logging close to double the orthodox hours. I reached a personal goal today, and my treat is to go out to a restaurant for a cheeseburger deluxe. If they still have restaurants, if they still serve them with fries, that is. What does it even cost these days?

           [Authors note 2016-01-27: I did not know this would be the last time in my life I specifically went out and ate hamburger, ground beef that is. I've since done it, but only as an expedient while traveling. Beef is now off my diet.]

           Into the shop, I decided to see if I could help that Skrib guy who messed up his computer. He tried to install some software for Win XP Pro that corrupted his Win XP Home Edition. It kept asking for a file that was not there. Of course, he did not have even one backup copy, so it costs $200 to get all that stuff off the computer so we can reinstall the system. It took him three hours to decide on that one.
           I have a couple of replies to my musician ad. They always sound promising, but as you know, this business is not for people with the slightest notions of musical fame and fortune. They get seduced by the glitz of the recording industry, leaving them useless for performing small rooms. One dude with the illustrious-sounding name of Matthew T. Broderick manages a cell phone store and sounds promising. He is new in the area and cannot find work as a solo. A good day job moves you right up the ladder for me.

           Careful here, because I still have to weed out anyone who only wants a duo because they can’t find solo work. These types quickly find out that I pick tunes that are not suitable for solo work, which mainly takes the form of strong, characteristic bass riffs. Listen to “Born To Be Wild” to get the idea. The original band, Steppenwolf, makes me smile. I had already been playing in a band for years when they came along, yet my own brother (he was already 16 by this time) felt a need to explain to me that it “could mean a wolf stepping along”. Today, Paulina fills that role.
          Yes, she came by. We looked at a place, which was kind of small and overpriced. During the process of asking everybody [during the past months] for a guitarist who could sing, she became aware of my search. That does not mean she listened to what I said, no, it does not mean that at all. She found at least one musician, but admits she forgot to ask if he played guitar. Oh, and I win the bet – she tried to give me advice on where to look for a musician. At the State unemployment site. If that does not work, I maybe could try the welfare office? Or, now that I know where they are, the slummy bars on Dixie?
           My dining experience. I went to Nicki’s on Hallandale Beach Boulevard. I now know that a cheeseburger deluxe costs $6.50. Actually, that is not bad. I won’t say how long ago, but the last time I bought one, it was something like half that price. I can tell a lot about how a place by their burgers, and Nicki’s gets a thumbs-up.

           Jose, my Mexican neighbor, was over for a visit. We are going to do some yard work around our places tomorrow, share the tools and such. It is so obvious I do not know what to do with myself on a weekend. I have been home, reading a book since mid-afternoon. (O’Rourke’s “Eat The Rich”) A great work of humor that examines why some places are rich and others are poor, with a critical but hilarious treatment of their people and politics. His definition of politicians is a favorite around here, that they are like “cheerleaders who have confused themselves with the people who carried the ball”.
          That author is a trained journalist, which makes a big difference to me. Every sentence is loaded. He is a generation later than me, though, and sometimes I don’t follow his analogies or know the people he mentions. What is an “indie” movie? That is rhetorical, I’ll of course look it up tomorrow. Since I don’t know the term, it will probably be something from television, and I don’t mean the learning channel. Anyway, O’Rourke has incredible sources, I’ll say that for him. I’m almost suspicious that he could not have written such material entirely on his own. It has no “trademark” style other than an extreme ability to rarely repeat himself.

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