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Wednesday, August 16, 2006

August 16, 2006

           If I’d been a little more careful you would have seen some great shots of me moving in the new refrigerator. It’s not often you’ll see me carrying a fridge door down the lane over my head. I even beat the delivery truck all the way back over here, although I admit that was an incredible workout for me.
I had to widen a door that didn’t want to be widened, which took an extra hour. I carefully measured everything in advance but managed to miss a little half-inch spur on the backside. The whole thing was a surprise. It’s Fred’s old Hotpoint and he was not expecting his new one until next week when it showed up today. I bribed, er, I mean, rewarded the driver an extra $30 to shoot the old one over here.

           Dickens called about the washer combo, it sold first thing in the morning for the full asking price. He is rightfully enthused about that and we’ll try it with that huge ebony dining room table tomorrow, after I set up Big Al’s VoIP. We’ve further agreed Al can hook one up at the office as a demo and we get part of any revenue that it generates. I’ll keep you posted, I am very curious if it can be used to fax because I can’t see why not.
           I had to practically dismantle the fridge to get it in here and hose down everything. I took some photos of the whole process, then at the last minute while taking a self-timed photo, I pushed the controller once too often and cleared all the photos. Got a nice Florida summer sunset, though. Hey, not so fast. I tried to get that one and it seems the camera batteries are dead. Maybe I’m not such a klutz afterall. I said, “Maybe”!
           The fridge is a double door model and takes up a chunk of my kitchen. Good, less volume to air condition. Most of the day I was tinkering with Linux. One thing I was right about, I already know more than the guy I bought it from.

           He was unaware of how the printers configured and I found out they configure themselves. I had them both working by noon.
           The symbols on the Linux desktop take more understanding than Windows. The filing system is much easier once you get used to it. I have been more concerned with finding out how all the things I could do with Windows work on Linux. Give me a few days and I’ll be chasing after things only Linux can do.
           Fred’s got this new software called [I think} Fireworks. It produces great looking web pages but does not show the code. He might wonder why I am not that enthused about it and I’ll tell you that it is not much more than an artwork layering program. I played around with one at least twenty years ago. Whether they produce CAD code ot html code, I don’t find it all that new a concept. However, the fact that the author does not write or view any code goes a long way to explaining why 90% of all new web sites look so boringly alike and have zero novel features.

           The possible exception is the Pepsi site. They have a great graphics page that seems to orbit on the screen. I should confess that I have no idea what else the site does other than glorify Pepsi. The only reason I go there is to see what kind of programming money can buy, and now I’m not so sure there is any programming involved.
           Last thought for today is that I have always wondered how to play a harp. I don’t want to play one, just learn how it is played. It seems to me the strings are fixed and there are no frets, although I think there are pedals. How does one change key? It is just something I’ve always been curious about and I’ll have some Internet time tomorrow.
           By the way, VoIP is really pronounced as it is spelled – “Voip”, a diphthong.

           T[Authors note 2023: the following pictures were added in 2023, just to get them published. These show a typical desktop computer setup of the day, Frenchie’s pub, gas prices, the Frenchie swap meet, and the famous Jamus bicycle out behind the original trailer in Tales From the Trailer court.]