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Thursday, August 31, 2006

August 31, 2006

           [Author's note 2022: here's another example of a calendar-to-blog redacted entry. By 2006, there were lots of pictures from the old Argus, but then as now, no filing system. And pictures were not yet a blog feature. So today, I have attached some 12(?) pictures that I know were from around August in that year. Expect repeats.]
           You want to see how little I know about boats? On my bike ride this morning, I snapped this boat riding out of the water on some pontoons. Why? My guess is that leaving the boat sitting in the water damages the hull in some way. Which makes me wonder if boats are safe, since at this late stage they still have not invented a boat that can remain in the water. I could look it up, but it is more fun making this point. I toured the area west of Federal and south of Hallandale Blvd. to see what was in there. Nothing but more coffins in the sky.
           I missed the movies tonight, and I had a free pass. There was just too much to do with study. Then around 8:00 PM Anna O. called to report a strange message on-screen. It was nothing I’ve seen before, but definitely the result of something trying to re-write the system registry on their network. Maybe it’s just me, but I immediately suspect MS updates when that happens. Then all the non-MS anti-spy and anti-virus software gets bent out of shape.

           However, I got to talking with her about the programs over at Barry U. The difficult part for me is that I do not have one of the required documents to get in there, and the act of getting the document could have serious consequences for taking advantage of the fact that most people over my life have never doubted for a moment that I had it. The Internet has published too much “public” information to try to get away with something like that once more. I know of one guy who lost his job because he had a Bachelor degree but no high-school diploma. That is correct, he successfully completed a degree but was fired because he did not have the lesser diploma, which was a requirement for the job!
           To brighten my day, I saw a babe with what I consider a great body. Alas, she was walking with her husband and kid. I took her picture because she made me flash back to something I first said when I saw women like her when I was [around] fifteen years old. “I hope my wife looks like that – ten or fifteen years after we are married.” I don’t believe guys who say they think my choices are too skinny, mainly because they are always after the same ones I am.
           JZ says he wants to be over on Saturday for the next “family” computer lesson. He describes that everybody is enthusiastic about the project. It does seem word got around the entire family pretty quickly. They overuse the phrase that it keeps the doc’s mind active – they are fools if they really think that in any way. Within the last month, I have had students ranging in age from 7 to 86 and I know when somebody has aptitude. Inactive minds don’t. The doc has no problems in that area. I didn’t know that MJ had formerly been a teacher.