My search for boredom suffered another major setback today. Remember, you won’t catch me involved in that time-honored substitute for boredom, the “family get-together”. I’d rather have my teeth drawn. My intention was to get into the shop. Instead I left early for Ocean Drive because there was a severe headwind.
Alice. That’s the name of the lady and her daughter near the beach. They had originally called about a problem so typical, it should have a name. It is when people find out that except for email, which you can get elsewhere for free, there is no compelling reason to pay for AOL. Worse, most of these people believe that you cannot get on the Internet without AOL. That was one great combined market and snow job, alright. Here’s a picture, altered enough to protect.

There was a windstorm all afternoon, so I biked to the Broadwalk for photos. Incidentally, I got a parking ticket on my bicycle. I chain my bike to a pipe and the building association issued me this ticket. There is no other nearby place to secure your bike and the lot was mostly empty, yet out on the street your bike would disappear and the association would, of course, deny any responsibility. They prevent you protecting your property but deny any responsibility for putting you in that position. Afterall, you could have hired a security guard, right? Why do I detect an overpowering stench of “Englishman” every time I hear of something like that?

There was an older babe sun-tanning, so we talked for nearly half an hour. Paulina. Again, not my type but reasonably cheery. She is moving to Seattle to qualify for subsidized housing. That’s the second woman today totally taken by my style, which basically amounts to not staring at their chests and talking to them like they were real people. It’s easy and a few more men should try it because it produces great results. The trouble is, it produces them even when you don’t want it to. The first lady wanted to “kidnap” me, and this one wants to move in “next Tuesday”. (Not unless she subsidizes my housing. I do want to leave for a month sometime soon.)
A big round of applause for the team of Chloraseptic and Walgreens. The first, for making their throat strips in packages of two when most people only need one, and the last for selling it for $7 a package. Remember those Vick’s inhalers that were fifty cents and lasted a long time if you could figure out how to stop the cap from twisting off in your pocket? Another $7. That means this cold has cost me $30 so far. That’s good business and repeat, too.
I’ve been programming the Alesis. I’m finding that without fills (which end on the beginning of the following measure), there is a dead note when switching A to B patterns. So, I’ll stay home and practice. Here’s something to ponder – figure out the link between why and I can’t program the Alesis tonight because my last blank ink cartridge is empty. Read on, I'll tell in a moment.
Here’s a picture on the beach, standing on one of the ever rarer sunny spots between high-rise condos, next to one of those very odd parking cones which sprout up for no reason in the sand. Those background waves are large for this area, but a joke for the west coast. A surge of less than three feet would swamp most of the waterfront property in this vicinity, a six-footer would flatten things for miles inland and a nine-footer means there would be no more vicinity to worry about. I’d love to wave goodbye to the developers around here.
I can program the Alesis without a chart, but it is tricky. While this was going on, another of those cop and lawyer shows was on TV. That junk started with Perry Mason. I say junk because it always portrays the prosecution as valiant heroes and the defendant as a punk with a crooked lawyer trying to get off on technicalities even though every one knows he is stone guilty. Maybe it is true, I am just against such one-sided portrayals.
You know what would be neat? A cops and robbers show that shows the side of the robbers. Well, you know what I mean. A series that shows, instead of convictions, the reality in harsh bitter light of the tactics used by the police and court system to entrap and then betray people. Tricking them into plea-bargained confessions to crimes they did not commit. Pressure tactics and coercion, of how cops practice and coordinate lies and regularly perjure themselves to get convictions. I’m not trying to change anything, just that it would be a more truthful depiction of reality.
No, I can’t speak from personal experience, but I have heard too many, make that far too many, credible, really credible people describe how they were set up by the system. The cops swear under oath they admitted to something they never said, the lawyer convinces them to plead guilty to “a lesser crime”, the court coerces them with threats of harsher sentences if they dare elect for jury trials, or acquitted people who are blacklisted for life. I’m saying if even a fraction of these people are lying, there is still something seriously wrong with the legal system.
The Mexican guy came over late in the evening. He got a job re-tiling some mansion over in Pines and they gave him all kinds of neat stuff. He gave me some sixteen foot shelves and a Hewlett-Packard computer. He’s getting me a big screen TV, three gallons of exterior paint, an electric range (if the gas one can’t be fixed) and maybe a dishwasher, some computer desks and a few floor fans. Not brand new, but barely used.
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