Can’t tell if it was Super Bowl or the bad weather than brought only the loonies into the shop today. It was Seattle weather, I waited until the last moment for it to clear up [before driving the car] and barely made opening time. Seriously, this is the first time in seven years that it has rained more than an hour except for hurricanes [around here].
Yes, that is a picture of the house that JZ grew up in. Well, actually, it is just the part of the house that will fit in one picture. If you look close, you may see the area we were landscaping y'day. Look to the left of the main entrance.
Yes, That's right, orange juice. Her vision kept saying it was better and cheaper to use the juice machine. But I know it is not the same. Was it Alaine or the orange juice on my brain? Well, Alaine is far prettier so let's go with that.
And the juice? It is not the same at all, my personal opinion is that anything but a hand juicer will somewhat squash the rind and seeds, making it [the juice] that tiny degree more bitter. You need that human touch to get it right. Maybe this is not so; it is enough that you believe it to be so. When was the last time somebody squeezed your oranges? I mean, for free, just so things would be exactly sweet enough for your liking.
Super Bowl did not work out for me. I planned ahead four months to have a band together by now, evidenced by my rehearsals with Brian. I know things will eventually kick in once the gears mesh. I wonder if it really is any easier than the first time, for it is certainly no faster. The same gronk steps have to be covered in the same order against the same resistance every friggin inch of the way. Sometimes twice over and it would be three but that is never worth it.
[Author's note 2016-02-04: in the end, this band was already showing the same "Broward Guitar Mafia" cracks at the seams as every other. The guitar player can only play what he's been drilling into his brain for twenty years and cannot learn anything else. And his attitude of "joining" a band is you learn his song list first, then we look at yours. Except in his opinion, you never ever finish learning his song list "good enough".]
It was a constant drizzle all day, so I canceled all plans and went directly home. I didn’t say before, but when I examined under the trailer last week, the first thing seen is these massive hurricane anchors. Around four times the strength normally seen in this situation. Huge, inch-thick, straps that clamp my exterior walls to the ground. They must have been there long before Enrique came along. At least that explains why nothing here ever sways in the wind, which at times whips the door right out of my hand, but inside it is calm.
They say 2007 is going to be a record year for hurricanes, which the authorities also said about 2006. In fact, there was not even a decent storm in 2006. They also say that there is global warming. Does that mean if I wait long enough, I’ll have oceanfront property?
I am poorer than I wanted to be, for I checked the Yahoo store and experienced failure. (He refused to pay me because the changes didn't "take".) The changes to Dr. Skrbc’s web page reverted to the earlier version. It is so typical of these computer outfits to make simple changes difficult. Once you’ve logged in with the correct passwords, they should leave you alone. Then again, what do you expect from people who’ve never had their asses properly kicked?
Music. There is no progress, unless for some mysterious reason, Brian learned ten songs over the past week. (That's a joke, he hasn't learned a thing since we began.) The contenders at this point are Foxx, who is scheduled for an audition tomorrow afternoon, “Dude Ranch” from Ft. Lauderdale and Wain, who I called and left a message. It is actually the drummer from Dude Ranch whose last contact said he had to go ask the guitar player about all of this. I’ve found that clearing such things with the other band members is usually a good idea! Wain is the guy into the music life-style which I have sometimes had backfire on me. Like, since I don’t know the names of the members of, say “Styx”, therefore I must not be a very good musician, as goes the popular logic.
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