See JZ. See JZ totally into that taco. He's enjoying it so much, you could almost have guessed that he got my taco supreme mixed up with his regular. That's what I get for not knowing from tacos. Except gee, he sure is enjoying that almost too much, wouldn't you say? I would. He went back for another helping.
I had the day off. I went into the shop to do my own work. An interesting exchange took place. Maria came in with a new MP3 player, and the related Chinese instruction manual. To sum it up, here is a gal with computer certificates and qualifications up the ying-yang. While I admit it took her the same two hours [as it took me] to figure things out, some of us, ahem, did not have a mentor to run to. I say mentor because she never pays me.
That real estate salesman was in, I guess it does not matter which one. He had a bottle of that “Acia” berry juice I reported a week or so back. It is truly some nonsense, and I had to grin a lot when he gave me the pitch. While not stating for a fact that the juice has any medical effects (no sense running afoul of the FDA), he seemed to personally know the exact same diabetic who went from a shoe size 14 to an 8 that I read about in the paper. The world must be full of amazing coincidences.
I read the label, noticing that Acacia/Acia juice was but one of 17 ingredients in the bottle. The majority of the contents were apple juice, pear juice, lemon juice and so on. When asked about this, the response was that the other compounds were present to “sweeten’ the taste. Along with anything else you own that is size 14, you can bet your ass on that. [Bad joke, you'll have to think that one through on your own.]
For the day’s work, I posted two months of blog items from last year. I’m better at it now that I know how to pre-date the postings. I also searched similar blog names and found one, but if that is her real picture, I’ll stick with what I’ve got. That other post has no real plot or direction, a premise only good for political commentary. Any publication is better than no publication but at that point, hopefully, quality takes over. In fact, I had better go back through mine and begin to take out some of the more blatant repetition. It is almost impossible to write daily without repetition creeping in.
Quality is always a factor, they say. So it is with blogs and peanuts. Don’t buy Publix “Jumbo” peanuts, roasted in the shell. They are sorted by the size of the shell, not the peanut. Far too many are mutants and chunks that landed edge-on atop the sifter. So the shell is big but not the innards. Along the lines of fat women with big breasts that turn out to be mostly fat.
During my quest for a motorcycle, the Honda site has a jet aircraft. Fred would love to fly a jet, so I downloaded the specs. It flies 475 mph, although you could probably watch the fuel needle sink at that speed. The “taxi” version carries six people and can cruise 1180 nautical miles. The pilot needs [both] virtual and instrument qualifications. The price tag is &3.65 million. There were no efficiency ratios given, probably because the most recent tests showed just 260 hours of flight time. The jet goes on sale in America in 2011.
For a lark, I ran some spreadsheets concerning using this jet to Orlando and back twice a day. (Two jets would plainly be better.) Over twelve years, it gets quite competitive, as in $550 per person. If there is time, I may look closer at the projections. Later, yes, if the industry was not cutthroat, I could run an airline from here to Disneyworld at those prices.
[Author's note 2017: the jet finally flew in late 2017 with a price tag of $4.85 million. It is aimed at the Saudi prince market. Honda claims to have invented the laminar flow wing, but this is not true in any way. The P-51 Mustang of WWII had laminar flow wings.]
Cowboy Mike is back in town, and gives my new band a vote of confidence. He likes to play blues, which I will hold off on with all my guitarists until I’m sure the [blues] influence does not creep into the good dance material. Foxx did manage to get out of here without singing even one song; I let him get away with claiming to be unfamiliar with my material. That, although he had the “must play” list for nearly a week in advance.
There are no reasonable PA systems on sale in the area. It is the same old story, they want to sell one unit at a five hundred dollar markup rather than five with a hundred each. It is far less work, you see. I should call it the “Starbucks Formula”, although I have not checked to see if I already have [referred to that as such]. All the units I viewed have a built-in mixer which is overkill for a duo, or at least a semi-talented duo. The world needs a simple, easy to use true 8-channel mixer, meaning it has 8 real input jacks all of which work at the same time. The smallest "real" mixer like this is 16 channels and expensive, hence, overkill.
Several of the mixer units examined had something called “summed” inputs. The channel contained two ¼” (phono) jack inputs. Does than make them a ½”? Seriously, I’ll look up what they mean by summed, but for now it sounds like one of those strange design oddities that most people never use. Like “effects loop back”, “auxiliary send and receive” and an array of other special jacks and attachments where another plain channel would be more appreciated. I guess some people use them, I’ve just never seen it. That could be related to the fact that if it isn’t live, I don’t even look.
That is not strictly true, for I will sometimes watch a really nice juke box in operation. The only thing worse than walking into a club and seeing some “entertainer” playing canned music is an audience that will listen to it. Some of these yahoos have more road gear than the first three bands I played in put together, except there is not one musical instrument up there. Disk jockey, my eye, and it is not just my viewpoint as a musician. It does not make sense to hire somebody to work the “record player” in whatever form that now takes. I saw one bozo who had a 32 channel mixer to play CDs.
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