It was a perfect day for biking, not a cloud in the sky. You could say that many times over, as in really perfect, since I kept riding past news reports of blizzards up north. I believe they said a hundred feet of snow in New York. I’ll stick with the odd hurricane. I had to find another filler picture. Blogs take work and I'm basically a lazy person, folks.
I spent the early morning over at Anna O’s hooking up an Epson printer. Like HPs, these are not fun as they install themselves in your system registry and this terrible tendency cannot be turned off. Speaking of things that will not go away, stick around and I’ll tell you about Dr. Skrbc.

There was another customer, like myself a former payroll accountant whose job got exported, who came in today to apply for welfare. The similarity ended there, because despite years of warning and advice, he could not start even the basics of filling out an on-line computer application.
The Florida welfare form is designed by impossible idiots, there is even a section they expect criminals on the run to fill out. It goes to the effect that you are to declare you are not applying for welfare because you are in Florida to “flee prosecution in another state”. What is wrong with this picture? Anyway, he finally had to take a job as a telemarketer. It took him two hours to complete the form, but that is far better than what happened next.
Dr. Skrbc. I had to fire that guy out of my life. Can’t work with him. He is another Ken Sanchuk, constantly on about how and why you should do things for him for free, a meritless tactic which has never worked on me. I timed him today. He actually stood there for eighteen minutes arguing that I should send an email for him because it would only take me “two minutes”. What is with people like that?
I understand he was trying to establish a precedent. If he can get me to do it free for once, he wins and I lose. Like Sanchuk, the one thing he does not do is offer to pay you for your time. We’ve all been the victim of such arcane verbal onslaughts which generally take the form of these arguments.
1. You should do it [for them] because you are better at it than they are.
2. It would take him far too long to do it himself.
3. He is in a bind and needs it right away/doesn’t have time to learn.
4. The whole episode is a learning experience you should welcome.
5. If you had just done what he wanted, you would be finished by now.
That bozo goes on and on after you cut him off. The guy is particularly slimy because when you tell him to do it himself, he goes into the mode of you won’t do it because you are too stupid and he’s willing to help you [learn how]. Don’t you love the guy already? I’d introduce him to Paulina, but then I’d have to leave town.
Dickens called. Somebody has donated a Mavica. Maybe I’ll finally learn now those work, since they were always far too over-priced for me to buy one. I’ve just been informed Mavica is not a household word, so I’ll explain. It is a Sony camera that burns pictures directly to an optical (CD) disk. I’ve been toying with the idea of creating a blog that is a catalog of things donated, which is a disguise for things we want to sell.
This catalog would take the form of stating that America is a wonderful and amazing country just for what people throw away, or in this case, donate. The thing is, I remember reading somewhere that commercial enterprises are against the grain of blogging but now I cannot remember where that was spelled out. Hence, the theme that I am merely documenting my experiences. Yeah, yeah, somebody will say this amounts to getting the blog host to do things for me for free. Wrong, I’m doing it myself, not calling them up and arguing they should do it for me.
Who is this Ken Sanchuk? He is a frozen meat salesman I once met with no concept of doing anything for or by himself. He was actually fascinating in a miserable way because he fancied himself clever at getting others to do his work, your typical “middle management” mindset. Anybody new in his life was subjected to an intense but overtly friendly process of his taking mental inventory of possessions and skillsets.
Then, after about a week, the nonsense began. He would adapt his promises and behavior based on what he had concluded you ought to do for him. This is the guy who owned four sets of ratchet wrenches, each with the 5/8” bit missing, but who could not understand why you would not lend him yours. He had a terrible difficulties with me, because most of what I own requires skill to use, which makes borrowing a waste of time. You want to borrow my piano? Sure.
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