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Monday, July 10, 2006

July 10, 2006

I spent the day at the computer shop, where I am learning to distrust these computers called eMachines. My understanding is that they started off by claiming they would always upgrade whatever your bought so that you would always have a top of the line unit. They had to cut corners somewhere and I think it was on the motherboard.

Here is a picture of a wheelbarrow full of avocados. This is a result of a potentially unpleasant discovery mentioned below. It means, in effect, that you will not be getting any top quality photos until an issue is clarified. These avocados are from a neighbors tree after [hurricane] Katrina last year. Many people plant ornamentals that cannot survive high winds. If I recall, they wound up throwing out most of lot.
The Booty guy came in today. This is the guy from NYC who fools around on line.
It seems harmless, because he works here as a telemarketer and only advertises way up north. He knows Coastal Vacations, the dismal jackasses who lift cell phone numbers of private ads on the Internet, a vile practice at most. They keep trying to rook me into some stupid holiday if I “qualify”.

Equally despicable is the phone company, that allows these people to put a restriction on their caller ID. That whole telemarketing business is sordid and the sooner it is totally outlawed, the better. That won’t help the Booty guy, but hey. Also, this Swedish guy came in today. I am jealous or what! This guy was so good looking and obviously European that he could have any girl he wants around this town. I’m serious, he was that classically handsome, far better looking than I ever was even in my prime.
Here is a picture of the beach, right near where I used to play bass guitar every Friday up until a month ago. Note the perfectly typical evening sunset. Don’t go thinking I see this every evening, plus this just happens to be a classic scene with a perfect cloud pattern. This is looking due east out over the Atlantic. From time to time, I’ll mention the Argus. It is an $18 camera that took most of these photos and it is locally famous for being the most used camera in town – around 6,000 photos and going strong. This is in apposition to other far more capable and expensive cameras people tell me they have that I never see. Too expensive to use, I suppose.
Wallace emailed to say he is still having a squawk with some estate lawyers. He’s outlived everyone in his group except a brother in Eastern Canada. His family seems to have something against proper wills. That, plus some relation of his who is twenty years younger has gotten a lawyer to gradually place her everything in her trust. Beats working for a living, I hear. I’ve told him to sell out and move into my place any time. He is the pineapple expert, saying they will produce fruit after the fourth year.
I totally enjoyed the day off doing relaxed research on several topics. To put a damper on this blog, I discovered that some hosts or services have fine print that makes any picture posted on their blog pages into their property. It is doubtful more than a few people with blogs are aware of this policy. I have not yet determined if Blogger is one of these hosts.
Also, somebody has taken a line out of context from one of my blogs and turned it into advertising. I as much want to learn how they managed this as how to prevent it in the future. Their ad shows up on my blog pages, in my own format, like I have something to do with it. Well, I am learning.
So is Fred, he has perfected the techniques of producing those fancy borders around the outer edges of screen pages. Credit him with the patience to go through the process of figuring out the directions. He showed me how it is a matter of producing a pattern, then sampling the four corners and two sides to create a border of any size. I have not yet examined the code but am assured it is HTML.