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Friday, July 14, 2006

July 14, 2006

Dickens called from Massachusetts, he’s starting back home a day early. That means tomorrow is my last day. Good. Some of the customers are getting used to seeing me at the shop. The great looking Polish lady was in again first thing this morning. I’ve always maintained there are two Federal laws nobody knows about. They are
All construction sites with more than 75 men must have one and only one total babe working in the office and who already has a boyfriend.
All married women must, no matter what the circumstances, mention that fact within the first three sentences of any conversation.
Am I wrong? You are supposed to guess which rule applies here. You should see the behind on that woman, they didn’t make them like that back on the collective farm. The first woman I’ve seen in five years with eyes bluer than mine.
We got a ton of donations in, mainly clothes. Some of it is pretty slick. That biker that came in last day, the one who was 5X large who donated around 40 brand new Harley Davidson t-shirts, worth something like $30 apiece. I’ve been selling them as night shirts to teenage women for $3 each. They are brand new, never worn. The shirts I mean, not the women. Anyway, this biker must have had some fancy job because everything was top of the line. Silk shirts and suede suits.
Roberto called from the office. He has this plan that I should be on the Internet answering questions. Sort of like a Dear Abby for computers. It says something that people who’ve known me a year still think I am a genius, you’d think they’d get over that after a week, but no.
Another man came in looking for Dickens. He reports that a fellow pawnshop owner got ripped off for a million dollars. It was in his vault in a shop with a big commercial alarm company supposedly keeping tabs. The bad guys got inside with an acetylene torch and leisurely cut the door off, uninterrupted for a full 8 hours. Some alarm company! The owner can’t report it because he apparently was not supposed to (ahem) have that much money.
Yuli called. This is the guy who I helped translate a letter to the President a few months back. He speaks some weird language and knows how to guide boats into all the harbors in the Black Sea area. This is the guy that swan across Puget sound in the winter when he was 70 years old. He wants to volunteer. That was one touch job, since I don’t speak any Armenian. Now he wants to do it again. I kind of told him that is not something you call up for at 9:00 Friday night. I can’t get to it for another week. By the way, if he gets funding for it, I have volunteered to be part of his crew to sail around the world against terrorism.
I’ve been listening to a “new” Chet Atkins tune, “Mule Skinner Blues”. The usual fine job he does but it is truly obscure music. I’m going to take some time off and learn that bass riff. It is on my MP3 list but I do not recall downloading it.
Can anyone confirm the following? I heard that the way they determine how many calories are in a food is to “burn” the food in a special pressurized oxygen container and measure the heat. I was trying to find out why all these health books say that an avocado has so many more calories than other fruits, which I don’t believe.