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Friday, July 21, 2006

July 21, 2006

I’m not adjusting well to not playing on Fridays. The Hippie and I are still not getting along over his tendency to book our act as a single and refuse to commit to playing any gigs except the ones he lines up. You see, that would tip the local club owner’s off that he is not a single and his ego could not stand up to such a punch. He could be famous if he’d get off his high horse and start playing people music.
So, what is a Friday like when I don’t get out to some kind of club? Kind of slow, I report. Yulii, the Armenian guy was in for another letter to the editor. He is okay but he does not bring money and that is the third time he expects two hours of my work for $20. I basically told him no more, he owes me another $20 and don’t come back until he’s paid up. He’s cheaped out on us before, once trying to get a computer fixed for ten dollars.

Speaking of which, Mike owes me one. He finally came out of the back after six hours of failing to find an Intel 82801DBM audio driver. Take note and heart you non-computer types, for I confirm to you that a laptop without sound is practically un-sellable. That means most people use them to watch movies, folks. They could get the same functionality on DVD player for a fraction the price. I found the correct driver in a roundabout way, but in less than ten minutes. It is simple – you are supposed to know that it is called an AC’97 (yes, that is an apostrophe).
Of all the odd things, this lady came in and began chatting me up. She knew my name and most of what I did. I just could not place her. Hitting on me, telling me how good I look and dress. Pardon me, I am about as average looking as they get. She was not that bad looking so I knew something made me overlook her. Alas, I could see she was not expecting that I would not recall her, since I was just a dumb computer teacher and must not meet many people. At least I think that was the reaction.
I got the story afterward from the gang. Now it makes sense, Occam’s Razor sense. She just went through an ugly divorce. This is the scowling lady that used to come in and log on to the HP without speaking to anyone. I may be wrong and I hope I am wrong but where have I seen this before? The recently divorced or dumped broad that would have nothing to do with me finds out what else is on the market and suddenly I am like totally okay.

At mid-evening I attended a turtle conservation lecture at the Kolb Nature Center. Some dumpy marine biologists from Nova were giving a slide show on nesting habits. True, this does not compare to jamming on stage even at the sorry places the G booked us, but what else can you do for $3 in this town? They gave some lowdown on turtle problems, most of them man-made.
After the show, we all met at the beach where they had an area roped off for the hatchlings. This was informative. As soon as they break the sand surface, they head for the brightest lights. In nature, that would be the crests of the breaking waves in the moonlight or even starlight. They do not seem to notice lights over 500 feet away, the darker the beach the better. All hundred or so turtles per nest emerge within a few minutes as they collectively dig out of the sand.
This is amazing because you are looking at 150 million years of evolution. The turtles make for the water but already you can see stronger and weaker members. How could anyone doubt Darwin? The hatchlings scrape along slowly until a wave just touches them. This taste of salt water kicks them into high gear. They explode with energy and the guide says they swim non-stop for 36 hours out to the Sargasso Sea, only stopping to rest on the seaweed. Then some go on to Africa.