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Saturday, November 18, 2006

November 18, 2006

           JZ never made it. That makes around thirty times he’s said he would, but now I can’t be blamed for not waiting around to see. I went into the shop and took care of all my emails, including one to RofR. What? Well, it is an acronym for “Rat of Riyadh” and is pronounced “Arr-uhv-arr”. That’s all you get.
           It is too bad you cannot sue people for spreading disease. It was most certainly that goof in Wal-Mart and now I am painfully ill for the first time in maybe ten years. It takes 24 hours to incubate, so he knew he was sick when he invaded my zone. Yes, I'm aware it is against the law to spread communicable disease, that's why I said you cannot sue, which is different altogether.

           Here is a gif from 2005 not published until 2006, when it won some award. The earliest gif that ever caught my notice.

           See the swap meet. It is the Snow Bird held over in the Greyhound [not the bus line, the race track] parking lot. They moved it to another corner and most of the merchants there are now retailing new product. It is sad but the reason is the new gambling law. There are now several hundred cars a day in that formerly empty lot. It is double sad that the only thing that gets customers out these days is to offer gambling. The secondary rot has already set in.
           This is the “gouge people for convenience” attitude. Have I coined a phrase? I like that, “secondary rot”. The parking was formerly free and first come first serve. Now they have sectioned off part for valet parking and members only. They have not improved a thing or offered any new service. They simply put up a string where there was none before and now charge to park with burly security guards to make sure everybody coughs up. Florida has always been contaminated by this type of thinking.

           I bought a beautiful leather butt-pack. That’s it for my birthday present this year. I stopped at the Bargain Market to go over some changes with the owner. This is the guy who asked me for help with his books. He was pretty wide-eyed when I showed him my analysis of his store, which I often do to let new people know how easy it is to take apart their entire operation.
           He did not even know you could program the cash register. I biked over to Oakwood for supplies and a session at the Barn. I read up on new DVD technology and I still think there is no way that technology has not changed in ten years. The manufacturers have got to be up to something funny on that count. The disk memory capacity is 4.7 GB, exactly what it was last century, while hard drives have gone from 6 GB to 250 GB in the same period.

           No word back from Sabrina yet [on the community center]. Fred and I talked about several aspects of it, but it is a school and make no mistake about it – in that situation I know I am the only one that will be pulling in the easy money through repeat students, the money that keeps the doors open. She apparently has agreed that Fred will do the computers. We shall see.
           It is just 8:30 PM but I’ve got to crawl under the covers. The flu has given me a severe sore throat and upper torso weakness. That, plus I found another volume of Sir Churchill’s series “History of the English Speaking Peoples” and need a reason to curl up with it. He is totally pro-Empire but he sure could write. And you talk about a dude totally convinced of the right of England to police and rule the world. Dumb guy, that's America's job.

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