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Monday, November 20, 2006

November 20, 2006

           First, let me state that there is no truth to the rumor that I lost my license to practice accounting in the State of Florida. That is an absolute lie. I never had a license to practice accounting in Florida.
           Let’s see how many of you that totally irrelevant fact got started making negative assumptions. Ha! I went in to see the shop owner next to Fred’s and gave him some material and advice on how to save money on his bookkeeping. I suppose I could help him out but I think all he wants is the sales tax. That could involved just programming his cash register, a Sharp XE-A202.
           It is so tempting to start a business that [teaches people how to] keep the bare minimum bookkeeping that is required by law, but I don’t know if there is any money in it. I can tell you that all the software and most of the people involved in accounting are guilty of vast overkill when it comes to what is actually mandatory by law. By law, you need only keep records of each transaction, you don't have to produce expensive reports every month. Such reports really don't give the small business owner any information he needs to operate his business.

           Today’s picture does not mean anything, it is just the only picture I took today. It was that sign on the building in the distance that got me, but danged in I can remember why. I was nicely off balance all day thanks to this flu, it kind of slows me down. I was okay until I got up to the wig shop, then got an attack of the sniffles all afternoon.
           There is a Cuban place on A1A (I swear, "A1A"???, they have a secret society in Florida to see who can come up with the stupidest street names). Go in there, take a look at the waitress and you won’t have to ask why I am desperate to get back to Venezuela for a year or so. She'll make your eyes water.
           My neighbor from Quebec has returned. Make that "neighbour". He introduced himself as Roland and advised me to trim the coconut palm tree. That is a coconut palm? Well, where are the coconuts? He reports that it was really planted as a coconut but the language barrier made it hard to determine when that was. Around seven years, I think. We got out his saw and went to it. They seem like nice people.
           We’ve got us an unusual cold spell, it is getting chilly at night. I’ve got out the quilt and stayed home bundled up doing more bookkeeping. I’m minding the old health very closely. I see [which I did not know before] that there are over 200 calories in a can of sardines, a food I particularly like on rice. It reminds me of that steamer trip to Borocay Island in the 80s, where Pat got stung with a jellyfish. That is another story. For some reason I thought it was half that many calories, but no big deal since it is like total health food and a source of iodine.
           On the health thing, I felt another drop in my core temperature, now that I know what to watch for. My temperature has stayed just below 97 degrees for three days.

           The G has disappeared which means he is wasting time with another band. I am the only one who can stand him long enough to learn a full [four hour] set. He’ll call when that falls through but not in time to get anything ready for Xmas or New Year’s. Why do I even trust that guy? I even listened to that Donovan tune “Mellow Yellow” which I certain makes sense to some people. Wasn’t Donovan his first name? Donovan Kleindein or something?
           The database has smoothed things out at the wig shop. I had to mention to Ruth that her schedule is incompatible with mine, plus operating the car was not part of the plan. Coming in later in the day and leaving earlier is not a solution, since it requires an hour of driving time in the middle of the day to do that. Miami traffic, you know. I cannot make up for that lost hour even if it were possible to go into the computer shop and begin a project either before or after having to set out. I am basically going there to do emails and update the small database that is tracking activities. That could be done from here, but Ruth is very much a Theory X manager and would not want to lose the element of control.
           I don’t mind for now, but I can’t make a living at it going in there every day or other day. My suggestion would be that she learn to do those emails and bank the larger problems for a full 8 hour day, say every Thursday (a known quiet day for computer and network repair).
           I’m going to have another stab at cracking the code for Bejeweled. Yes, I know all about the ethics involved, it is the challenge. For example, I can crack passwords but you never see me doing it, so don’t make assumptions. (What I'm after is the fancy backdrops, not the game.)

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