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Friday, November 3, 2006

November 3, 2006

           I got the term “short and dark November” from the tape [audio book] “Theory of Relativity”. Yes, I am still listening to it. Not because it is any good, it actually sucks. It contains two elements that disgust me so badly that I enjoy gloating that some people must actually be into such nonsense. First, the utter lies and posturing some people will go through to prove to the world their living hell is a happy marriage. Next, the things that concern people who stay too close to their families long after they get old and leave home.
           The book is not written with those themes at all, I’m merely stating what I get from the tale. In fact, the plot is such that the author does not appear to suspect that some consider it bunk. It implies that falsely pretending to be happy are normal parts of existence with the implication that if you do not think so, you can’t be doing your bit. Like hiring lawyers to argue whether an adopted child is legally the “blood” relative of the parents. Such things are of no concern to people unless money is involved.
           A third item of note is that all the little stories the brothers and sisters told each other in the normal course of conversation are now being used against each other. That, I can vouch, is 100% realistic. Be warned, when you tell your sister you moved twice in the last year, that makes you a vagrant.
           How do you like today’s entry so far? Made possible by a very rewarding day on the job. I’ve had good paying jobs before, but never one that paid my entire monthly expenses including rent in less than a day and a half of work. JP better be up to a full day because I’m heading over there at 7:00 AM.

           Marion left an email from the new digs, right near Everett Mall. Things are likely in upheaval so we many not hear more for a little while. Since I was busy sunup to sundown, no pictures today unless I decide to pull some back from tomorrow. I’ll make you a deal. If I take any pictures tomorrow of things I’ve seen in the past, I’ll plug then in here.
           The California people were in today to interview. High powered personalities, over-dressed and experts at playing executive. Remember all those pictures I told you about, the big shots. That and the video I burned to SVCD a month ago, the one with Letterman? Allow me be the one to inform you they were speechless, not a common trait in American women wearing business suits. Okay, so I prompted them along to look at the right things (“Oh look, there’s Ruth and that Dave guy, what’s his name!”).
           How impressed were they? Well, they turned off their cell phones, which just about says it all. They drew the correct conclusions, for example, one of them noted Ruth had “got more air time than the stars”. Not that the day went all our way. An artist in Georgia, while helpful, could not get the logo right from our descriptions. This seems to be a shortfall of artists in general, their creativeness does not extend to what the other person wants to see. To me, the great artists of history were the ones who realized this.
           Still, everything is in place for a great launch. Not quite the way I would have done things but your idea of preparedness may vary. Ruth kind of mentioned that if this product explodes, there is a possible position for me. Let me say this about that. I have been giving Ruth a great price break, office management for the same rate as I usually teach students who book an appointment at my office. She may have by now concluded that I would do such work for the same rate. Nope, it is $100,000 per year with two months off.
           Plus, I find office management stressful. She has picked up that I can run almost any office without having any notion of what the product or service involved might be. However, as the phone company can tell you, finding out that I can do something is not tacit agreement that I will do it for a living. This goes far beyond the immediate situation and I can tell you one of the more comical things in my life is people who watch me on a computer and then try to do the same thing.

           Either way, running a office is not my career. Teaching is far more lucrative and you get the possibility of meeting single women. That is not true of most other professions that pay well, including the medical field. Single women who go back to school are definitely candidates for self-support, a big plus if you are over 30 want me to take a second look. Recall what I said about the Violin Teacher Syndrome. (A prostitute is a woman who sleeps with her violin teacher then expects the lessons for free.)
           Everything is packed and ready for the trip tomorrow. Usually I don’t plan short trips so well but we have not been really out of town since last May or so. Um, the Everglades and out on the boat do not count. Nor do I like to leave town unless I have the resources to get both me and my vehicle back no matter what. I toyed with taking a lunch but what the heck, I’m so far ahead on my diet I’ll eat whatever I please tomorrow.
           The Canadians have begun to arrive. One of them is a great-looking blonde, probably in her early forties. Of course, nothing like that is unattached, but she was worth a gander. She was hanging out the laundry today in her shorty-shorts. I’ve noticed there is an unused community hall over on 19th [avenue]. I wonder if anything happens there on season, that is to say, I wonder if nothing happens there either.

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