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Sunday, November 5, 2006

November 5, 2006

           I’ll walk you through today at a brisk pace since it is already 10:00 PM and I want to learn the bass line to “I Dig Rock and Roll Music” still tonight. That bike ride to Key Largo takes first prize for the most fun thing JZ and I have ever done, and that includes exciting things like painting his father’s house two years ago. I can imagine you riveted to your chair already.
           The new afternoon opening time suites me much better, making a great long morning stretch to do nothing. I rode over to Coffee Time and Legs was there, but for some reason not looking so good any more. Nothing I can define yet, but you know. I’ve noticed Sunday mornings are better than any other day for my new photo journal project – jpegs of abandoned shopping carts. Since the next publication deadline is months away, I’m splitting YourFlorida into at least this one sub-category. The publication never happened, and somehow I lost the pictures of the shopping carts. (Abandoned carts is not a new idea, somebody did it in New Orleans in the early 80s, that is where I got the idea.)

           This is one of the minor beach areas in Ft. Lauderdale. See the building in the lower right with the red roof? I played there. Anyway, I'm searching for an angle on what to publish if I do. I had to chuckle over the ads for Fort Lauderdale. The city has a reputation for arresting young male tourists. The saying goes, "Fort Lauderdale: arrive on vacation, leave on probation."

           The angle here [that the city pushes in its ads] is the same as in Ft. Lauderdale. Find the one thing that “captures the essence” of a city, the one element that “truly sets it apart” from other cities. That simply has to be the one thing you are sure to see in Hollywood. I think my title should be “The Sights of Hollywood” with the implication that it [sight] is the least offended sense [by this town], and that items like the sounds and smells are sold separately.
           The shop was busy all afternoon, Dickens will like that. Quite a few new people. That handsome computer guy with the six foot tall blonde wife was in. I spent the day behind the counter trying out Opera 9.0, a new browser that I truly like. So far its only downfall is it is marketed in a way that you are supposed to know what they are talking about. The very people they hope to convert don’t understand browser mumbo-jumbo and their advertising plugs features even I’ve never seen. Widgets?

           I toyed around with the blog and already made an error on my new account. The screen name is the name that appears on screen but not the name of your blog. Way to go, Opera! Since it is the newest browser, I went over the existing blogs to see what they have attracted. What can I say, hundred of so-so blogs with amateur writing and terrible pictures, probably stolen. Most of the material is dry, it starts off okay but within a very short time you see the author was also dry. Gee, imagination takes work. They lose enthusiasm and fire something off just to say they have a blog.
           The second serious negative is the “mystical” blogs. Most people grow out of the English folk-lore stage by ten years of age but not blog-writers, it seems. Folks, the Harry Potter thing has already been done. Also, some of you should hit the history lessons before you go assuming the feudal system was some kind of joy-ride for the peasants. No, they didn’t all live in cute little cottages along winding lanes in the forest.
           Third and last, while I do not know what kind of readership this blog will have, I can tell you for sure that nobody cares about your cat having kittens. “So far, three and a half.”

           The G called, and he is indeed under house arrest. He can leave to play, which basically means he needs me to verify that he was performing on stage. His landlord split for California and left him a huge box of cables and cords. I went over there and fished through them, explaining what each one was for. Except one, I could not figure out. Never quite seen one line that before. It resembles a twenty-foot long piece of skinny licorice more than anything else.
           The drummer lady dropped by with his medicine, he is not allowed to go get it himself. I forget her name, but she is the percussionist in a symphony orchestra. The G has a thousand dollars worth of new electronic equipment. I can’t figure out how he can go to jail and come out on a spending spree. He was unaware of how S-video works, yet he has a thousand dollar TV system and I don’t.
           Well, don’t go feeling too sorry for him, more Americans need to learn that if you are half-decently educated, staying at home is not a punishment at all. Home is more fun than 99% of what there is to do in South Florida. It is also a psychological punishment because I guarantee you that the G and most other people never really went out and did interesting things anyway, they just went out. Hell, I’ve been in the Everglades more than he has in half his life.

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