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Tuesday, October 10, 2006

October 10, 2006

Not enough hours again today. I was over at the wig shop since 10:30 AM. I scanned the remaining business cards before I went over. That was a good move because it is going to be a busy week. The DSL modem arrived back on September 22, but nobody know what it was and it got set in the back room Nobody told me.

That, mind you, is an excellent idea of what I’m up against over there. The good news is that my organizational skills make a tremendous difference. Ruth flies right at that email now. She is somewhat dissatisfied with Justin, but that is not necessarily his fault, because she needs a large amount of input at every stage. He quoted her a ridiculously high price, indicating he may not even want the job.
I said I would help get the basics [of the web page] together. During that process, I had to scan pictures of the models. See the redhead? Who does that remind you of? Except she is 41 years old now. I don’t normally recommend scanners as computer equipment because they are a finicky device that takes dozens of hours to master. This is an exception, I think Ruth will greatly benefit. It won’t be soon, as I went to download the HP driver and the estimated download time was 32 hours. HP are real bastards for that (putting strange things on your computer while you think you are just installing a driver).
Thanks to Bellsouth, the DSL lineup will have to wait until they fix something called a port. The DSL signal would not synch so I restored dial-up service. All the shop emails are answered and filed. The place is very unorganized. One of the gals that works there mentioned it. I said she should see my place. (And, if she was single, that could be as soon as this evening.) I also marked the videos which were lying all around the place.
Bringing me to the Letterman video. I transcribed it to SVCD and put a fancy title on it. Sorry, but I have to start charging for these kinds of things. On the way back home, I stopped and dropped a check off at the O’Tooles for renting the dog. I had to make a deposit downtown, so I was actually on Young Circle after dark, confirming my theory that there is no night life in this town. I rode over to the bookstore, then for a coffee at the diner next door.
They do have a fishbowl of cards, but sure enough, it is some marketing agency and the owner won’t part with them. This is the rare time I could use a portable scanner. The waitress was a smooth tightie, but also a little air-headed. I read and had a coffee, what a big night out. On the way back I stopped to get a money order and as I rode back out on the sidewalk, this coke-hooker starts yelling at me, “Use the f-n road!”
I said, “Lady, it is dangerous out there.”
She just started yelling even more, so I said, “As you see, more dangerous for some of us.” She hit the roof, screaming and running after me. It was comical, I had already passed her so I just applied an extra half-pound of pedal pressure and pulled away from her. Still, that crack-head could really run, she stayed after me for nearly a quarter block. To the outside world it must have looked like I’d just used her services and was running without paying.
Which brings me to the last item for today, the new digital camera. It will not take an AVI, you need to rig up a computer to do any video. The nicest thing so far is that the camera recharges through the USB cable. As a surprise, the camera beeped while in my pocket, and by the next chain of events, I am able take pictures in near darkness. If so, it will not be leaving my possession. This came about when I noticed it still beeped when I hit the camera icon by accident. When I got home, sure enough, pictures.

That means the next time it happens, you’ll see pictures of some skank hoofing after me down Hallandale Beach Blvd. It isn’t the clearest picture, but the rest were of the inside of my trouser pocket. That reminds me, I went next door to Ruth’s neighbor to see if we could download the scanner software on their high-speed connection. Sure. What got me was the neighbor was a lady lawyer, maybe 30, in an immaculate and expensive office. Too expensive to be justified by except maybe the best and highest paid lawyers in town. I wonder what the story is on that one?
Where was I? Oh yes, the camera. It also has a macro lens. For you non-photo types, that means it is supposed to take close-up pictures in perfect focus. The manual sucks, but if I can figure this out, watch for a variety new material. Later, I see the camera will also download almost instantly, which is more than you can say for the Vivitar. It has a mode that takes 4 times as many pictures. From what I can see, the quality, while still bad, is identical. If so, it will mean the pictures will be measured in hundreds instead of dozens, and very shortly.
Later still, well, yes, I did bait the hooker. Once she started swearing at me, I had some fun. I called out that she should be out in the traffic because, after all, she was a “street” hooker, not a “sidewalk” hooker. That she was giving the profession a bad name. Hey, she started it and now it is here [in writing]. Remember, in America, if you are a reporter or a policeman, there is nothing that ever happens anywhere that does not automatically become part of your business and you have a God-given right to stick your nose into it. The public has a “right” to know even if without reporting few of them would even care. How the hell should the public know what they care about unless you tell the dumb bastards?
Besides, if you disagree, you will be accused of hiding something, and you don’t want police and newspapers thinking that now, do you? Don’t blame me, in my books you have a 100% right to hide anything and everything [until you cause harm to the innocent, that is, you can cause all the harm you want to the non-innocent] and, in fact, there are some things you have a duty to hide. Like any weird religion you belong to. If, like the hooker, you fail to do so, it is hardly my doing. They have to go pretty far out of their way to piss me off because I naturally have nothing to do with such people. I’ll change when the system admits some things are not their business. Don’t hold your breath.