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Friday, October 20, 2006

October 20, 2006

           Where are those jerks on CSI when you need them? There is a swatch of blonde human hair lying in a back alley. With their bag of "progressive law enforcement" tricks, they could blackmail a confession out of the Pope on that one. They could find the missing body in the Atlantic. I can think of one very good reason why I could walk right past that “clue” without a second thought, but they sure couldn’t. Does this mean no boredom today?
           Here is a picture of a four-deck cruise boat. Actually, a small yacht. This one is parked outside the Diplomat. It is driven by the most powerful motive force ever designed in America – the 0% APR credit card.
[Photo missing - this was 2006 for chrissakes.]

           [Author's note 2016: here is a photo from 2006 to ponder. This fishing boat is six miles inland somewhere in a rice paddy in Indonesia. A tsunami hit the coast and swept over all the coastal flatlands.]

           My diet, something everybody should have. This must be boring, you think? I mention it because of my policy of reporting the unusual. I broke my record low weight in twenty years. I suggest that I somehow have a 330,000 calorie “threshold”. This I suggest with no idea if that is humanly possible, but my statistics certainly show the facts. I seem to be able to consume or diet that amount of calories before anything major shows on my stature or weight. This cycle takes five and one half years.
           Put another way, I can eat all I want of anything until I’ve done 330,000 calories of overeating and not gain a pound. Then watch out. The same seems to apply in reverse, but this time I am both dieting and exercising heavily (for me). Sure enough, I had to create a “deficit” of 33,556 calories to lose ten pounds. This, I feel, was too exact to be random. (This figure has nothing to do with the number of calories per pound. I still have to burn off 6,500 per pound just like everybody else.)

           How accurate are my records? You decide. As of y’day, I have biked 619.561 miles at 9.328 mph average in 65 hours 45 minutes and 11 seconds which accounts for 19,815 of those total calories.
           Hi again. I was gone all day and now I am back. It is 10:44 PM. I had to get in to the shop to cash my check, only to find out there is something wrong with my Linux setup. It is crawling on the Internet. By elimination, it is all three Linux-based computers and nobody knows enough to troubleshoot them. There goes my weekend because those computers pay my utility bills each month. I need them worse than they need me.

           I quickly discover Ruth has called to complain about Justin and I, she feels she was let down. Her national television appearances must have had some effect, but there wasn’t any. Therefore, her web site must be at fault. Well, Justin blew a fuse or nearly and who can blame him? I rode downtown, paid all my bills, then went out there to calm things down. It took some kind of patience unknown to mankind, but I convinced her to log on to the page and see for herself.
           We stepped through the entire set of inner pages where I showed her that each visitor had plenty of options to phone, fax, email or walk in. Not, however, any option to order on-line. The wrong email address I had used was only one of many options for customers to place an order. (For some reason, AOL users could not get to the site until today, but that still left tens of millions of potential customers.)

           Further, I went on to show her that she had incredible exposure. Over 1,300 sub articles and links. Honolulu, Denver, Lansing, London, even the Canadian Broadcasting System. What’s more, except for a couple of dodo links, the vast majority of the coverage was very accurate and positive. The fact is that only one person ever contacted her about a doggie wig. Nobody else in the whole world or California even called.
           I reminded her that my position was to teach her how to use the computer, not to conduct business and that the situation was difficult for me as well. I could not teach her when customers and phone calls had priority. I rigged up the scanner shelf for her, which she liked.

           Afterward, I piled on my wheels over to the music place and bought the Alexis rhythm box. With extra momentary switch, that’s foot pedal to you neophytes. It was such a great night for riding that I dropped it off at home and went directly to Hollywood Beach. I stopped to see Barry and he is agreeable to a small band if I can find Brian and talk him into some Marley or Buffet, you know, the crap they call “Caribbean”. I have actually stayed awake playing that stuff before and I can do it again.
           On the way back, I saw some tourists on the Broadwalk with their little spaniel running along. I advised them that this was highly illegal and to pick the dog up and carry it. They said they were unaware of this law and all I could do was tell them to get used to this kind of thing in Florida. The fine is $100 if they get caught. Even though this is a tourist area, there are no warning signs of any kind.

           I am going to have to cut down on the pictures, or change the format here to more of them. It is taking an hour a day to download, sort and name the incoming photos for each day. May I have a show of hands? No, no, Leroy, just the hand. (Later, I learned to speed the process considerably by using SD cards instead of cable links.)

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