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Saturday, September 23, 2006

September 23, 2006

I’m alive! No thanks to this jerk in a high-axle pickup. No, I was not riding my bike, I was standing near (but not on) a driveway and he damn near ran me down. Typical, sworly-haired punk on a cell phone. One thing I’ve hated my whole life is guys who are not cool but try to be cool by the way they dress and act. That is not all I have against this guy. You see, he yells out, “I’m sorry.”
This is the type of puke I can do without. The ones who use the phrase, “I’m sorry” as a defense mechanism. They pre-calculate to get away with doing wrong by practicing how to apologize. Oh, trust me, I know all about these kind of people, more than you could ever imagine. Here’s how to pick out one of these goof-tards. When he says sorry, tell him that is not accepted and watch how he reacts. You see his scam – he is not really sorry, he used the apology to throw the ball back to you. From his point of view, he is off the hook and now he has given you something valuable for which you should graciously accept and thank him.

When you tell him, “Up yours, azzwipe, I should sue you.” or something equally appropriate, he gets to act offended because you didn’t thank him after he was so nice about nearly killing you. That, as you see, is exactly why this country needs courts where you can sue such people, it is the only way they will ever modify their behavior. They will never learn, it is the behavior that needs changing and that hurts them fiercely. These people are called apologists and I am descended from a long, long line of them. In my favor, may I say that the number of times I’ve had to apologize for anything more than once in my life could be counted on one hand.
I was over at the O’Toole’s for the repair. It is working but I could not say which step of the re-install was the solution. She asked for some coaching on PowerPoint, which I normally charge $45 per lesson, but she had a project that brought back memories to me. It involved proof that town councils are as primitive a pack of useless twits as the day they were invented a few thousand years ago. They are just too happy to instate themselves where others require their useless permission. Those who know my story can smile about this one. I fought city hall and I won. Once. Thirty years ago.
Their house address is on one street, while their front door faces another. The ordinance is different on one side and town council won’t let them put up a six foot fence to shield their pool from the street. Oddly, they would be allowed to plant a hedge of any height. If the front door faced the other street, things would be okay. Why does the name Fitzpatrick leap to my mind every time I hear of some asinine instance like this? I mean, all you have to do is look at the house to see that it’s address should be on the other street. Town councils are despicable about not accepting responsibility for the errors of their predecessors.
By now you are curious about the picture. It is a porcelain lamp around two feet high. Made in France. We list it on the Internet tomorrow. The AC is on full blast and the store is cool again, no thanks to the extra-hot weather this week. I’ll be there from ten to four tomorrow, mostly cranking up the free ads. The cancer guy came in and I bought a 21 speed bike for JP. It’s missing a brake cable and has a flat. I happen to have a spare tube around here somewhere.
Wow, did I meet a skank broad and a half. What a total loser and a disgusting pig to start with. The type you just know are trouble from the word go. Next to the Thrift is a fitness center. There are, in my world, few things worse than a broad in her mid-twenties or older trying to slim down and getting hard-bodied instead. That is not clear, what I mean is you’ve already got to have a decent body before firming it up looks attractive. She has a bad case of dysplasia.
They are worse than men for being pushy and sold on themselves. I went in to pick up a business card and she tries to give me the third degree. The card must mean I want something and her job is to help me with that whether or not I want her help. Bitch. Stupid bitch. It was all I could do not to tell her where to go. “If you aren’t going to buy anything, then why do you want the business card?” Whoa, Nelly, that is the last thing I’ll get into with something like you. That bleached blonde hair nearly gagged me, but it was that big broad-beamed ass that really makes her ugly. Women like her are very lucky somebody invented beer.

My planned trip to either the coffeehouse (to see how the musicians are faring without the G) or Panera was cancelled. A good Seattle-style downpour at 7:00 PM flooded all the streets. I’ll devote the time to writing some ads for consignment items at the thrift, including a pilots wheels and a game table. Yes, game, it has backgammon built into the surface although I think it is missing parts. I’ve already said, but when I was twelve, the Robertson brothers brought over a backgammon board. Nobody had a clue what it was. So much for fads. There is also a piano stool with the talon or claw legs. These are remakes, but I’ll word the ad to point out they don’t make remakes like this any more.
I also tried a new food, a paste made from black olives. It tastes, well, like black olive paste. It was the low calorie count that attracted me. And that New York coffee, Chock Full ‘o Nuts. It might just be, because the flavor is too weak for my tastes. Maybe it is named after who they sell it to up there. Like everything out of that area, it is just a little too watered down and over-hyped to thrive elsewhere. My prediction is that they will rename it Trump Coffee and triple the price.
Four thousand. That is how many business cards I need to make a killing. I need just 400 to start. I have 52. This is based on 10% turnover per month. I have no fear of starting small since the scanning part is labor-intensive and far more complicated than meets the eye. There is a tiny pixel difference in card sizes that can really mess you up. I’m looking for one of those places with a rolodex full of active cards, just let me borrow them for the weekend. While thinking this through, I doubt that any card printing businesses in this town would work with me. Even though the Internet is not their distribution market, I’ll wager they would still not help out.