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Monday, September 25, 2006

September 25, 2006

A September Monday, did anything worth noting take place? Around here, I mean. No, I take that back. You decide. I got into the office with my extra inner tube for JP’s new bicycle. The model is “Boss Cruiser” which I do not recognize, but it is an awfully rugged looking machine. The quality is much better than my unit, yet only two thirds the weight. A lot of attention to detail and very strong tubing. The opposite of my last girlfriend.
I got my bicycle mileage in today, evidenced by this unusual view of the paint job on a storage facility. Here is where I get to imply it was my keen photographer’s eye that picked up the art in these shed doors, while commuters by the thousands drove past each day, never seeing the true interplay of light and color. That would be a little to syrupy so I won’t say anything of the kind. Do notice the great triangulation, also the opposite of my last girlfriend.
Fixing the flat on JP’s unit, I found a 28” tube inside the 26” tire. It does not seem to cause any problems, so I left it. That reminds me, Cowboy Mike came in today for a quick visit. We got to talking web pages (of course) and he proposed an interesting project. ID cards on the Internet for the employees of building contractors. He first wanted just a type of yellow pages for contractors, but when I gave him the specs on the business card undertaking, he pointed out that the ID cards would do a lot of good. Mrs. Homemaker could click on the net and see the picture of the workman dispatched to her property.
Rene Zellwenger. How’s that for name-dropping? What is she doing in my blog? Patience, I will get to that. It was over to the wig shop again for most of the day. More correspondence and now she has me interviewing applicants for the clerical job she is advertising. When I wished her luck finding somebody reliable, she kind of implied that I had spoiled her because now she sees how efficiently a small office can be run. I’m not flattering myself, I am well aware the most glaring improvements always show up first, but even so, the office is beginning to take shape over there.
The lady I interviewed was typical Florida. She had a series of jobs since 1976, none of which lasted much more than a year. Dozens of spotty courses here and there, but no degree. Also, she was not a problem solver. I always watch when people reach for a calculator even when not required to answer a question. For example, “Tell me how you would back the 7% sales tax out of a $200 sale” completely stumped her. Two things, she was holding her hand in an awkward position, and she had a slight flushed appearance. Nothing definite, but if she is handicapped, my position is that she is obligated to mention it. As for the flush, every sign of a closet alcoholic. She was desperate for work but it was not my decision.
The doggie mannequins have already arrived. The agent in New York works for a Canadian company. They asked for pictures of the wig on the dog, I naturally advised Ruth to make sure that was contingent on as publicity as possible. Then I booked an interview for her next Monday with SAT1, a California office for a German/Austrian television broadcaster. Making sure the angle was positive, the camera crew would fit in the front area and that they had first rights only. The basics.
From there, I replied to a Hong Kong luxury magazine called Ampex(?). Their email was unclear whether they wanted to feature an article or sell advertising. I asked them to clarify their intentions. It was actually the editor that responded, so maybe there is something to it. They advertise in fancy airport magazines, according to the pidgin English web page. I couldn’t pursue it today. That’s because I had to help with a lot of back-and-forth with the financing package and this takes time. Ruth feels $3 million is a lot, I think it is a low-ball buy-in figure.

One of the business proposal pages needed plenty of changes to some of the paragraphs, including a list of stars that Ruth has done makeup on recently. So I finally found out how to spell Zellwenger, even though I had to Google it. And Longoria. Yes, I did tell Ruth the next time Rene comes to the shop to mention that she’s met a really nice man. I recall her from Cold Mountain, a little on the pudgy side, but any broad who can come out of nowhere like that is okay in my books.
I’ve got some photos to scan for Bill, my ex-word processing student and a DVD to burn down to CD, but you won’t miss me. As you see, it was really a day of one long string-together of little events. After work I biked over to Borders and did some reading on problems I had with CSS early this morning. I recorded in my diary (a book I write longhand, this is my blog, my journal, different animal) that expensive textbooks have let me down again. They should help, not hinder, the study of complex subjects.
Sure enough, I found a series of irreversible commands, a minefield that is not mentioned in even the most advanced writings. I can set margins, and if they are wrong, one should be able to delete the setting. Okay, but it does not always return to the previous state. I’ve found that the clear and float commands are not companions, and in fact, can sometimes apparently cancel each other out.
Can you believe I wanted to start this version of the blog on July 1, and I’m no closer today. If you see this, it will be because I’m about to decide to dump this out onto the world verbatim. It does no good here. Now, am I after an interesting article or advertising revenue?