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Friday, September 8, 2006

September 8, 2006

For the benefit of those who, like myself, forgot the pleasures of bike riding, great, but remember it is not for everyone. Today’s tragedy is my Malt ‘O Meal [a cereal maker that makes excellent imitations of big brands, and which I highly recommend] got wet while I was biking home my groceries. I sometimes open the plastic and snack. Bad move in the rain. I still don’t agree cycling uses 5 calories per minute, but it is a good workout. Waaah! All my Golden Puffs stuck together. My life is ruined.
So I stuck them in my new freezer. Put anything in there without a lid and it is dried out in a day. Don’t need a food dehydrator. I broke a chunk off for breakfast. I use skim milk, which is not milk at all, but I flavor it with vanilla or almond. Recall what I said about artificial cream flavoring.
I zonked out into a total sleep last night and it is now almost noon. Is that what real work does to you? Seriously, I purposely dropped off early while reading Elizabeth. The tale is 164 pages long, I’m already on page 100 and she is just starting out on her journey. Could be the Russian Moby Dick. Or am I spotting a pattern here with marathon Russian literature? The printing is also tiny, and I believe I’ve found just two errors. I say believe because I don’t know if befall was ever spelled “befal”. The other is the proofreader mistook “clrarity” for “charity”. I believe that was pre-Alamo cause for termination.

While making disks, I found a feature on NTI DVD maker that works quite well. Easily over-looked, it is called convert AVI to MPEG. As far as the other project I had with disks, I may have succeeded a little too well. The copies won’t copy. When that happens, it take two hours to “create” another clone.
I took the bike to work and that annoying kid whose father knows Fred was in the shop most of the afternoon. The one who was considered a whiz kid until he met me. He wanted to boot a hard drive on one of my computers. I told him to go play with the stingrays. Maybe I can get him to find out who has video phones to test the Globalink. The cancer guy was also in again, with another really nice bicycle for sale. We are wondering where he’s getting them. Not our problem but we have often wondered why he doesn’t just go rob a bank. He’ll be gone before they could find a jury.
On the way home, I bumped into a guy unloading a PA. Brian Bell? He plays throughout the area to synth music, but like many musicians, likes to play duos for the variety. I may go over there before ten tonight, it is at a club on Young Circle. The G and I played there once, six years ago. All these clubs have been so-called renovated and the prices have shot up. They are all five bucks a beer places now. With housewife-brand waitresses who gab with the barflies and take their time serving you unless you tip them on every round. I see Paris Hilton got a DUI, thus making some cop’s rep. She’s trying the old “I only had one martini” defense. She’s 25 already.