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Thursday, March 1, 2007

March 1, 2007

           If bad news gives you trouble, skip today. I went over to Steve’s, the cancer guy, to check on his place, cats and situation. He must have contacted Fred with a plea to save his clothes, bed and private stock. The cats are goners, they are not the kittens I saw a month ago. The SPCA comes to pick them up if you catch the cats first, which I think I can do tomorrow morning. I estimate there are five of them.
           I went through the place for a look but I think somebody got there before me. There was nothing left but up-ended drawers of junk with missing parts. A lot like my place. The bed alone is half again the size of anything I have to haul it away. I could pile it on top of the trailer, but even that is just six feet wide. The place shows the normal signs of a bachelor living there for months on end, but also like somebody (the police?) went through and up-ended everything,
          Police? Well, yes, because only the most obvious places had been searched and both the latch and deadbolt had been closed afterward. What I tried to get is sitting out there in my car, including his laundry. He did have a decent microwave but I’m scooping that for the trouble of going over there today. There was a lot of “Jewish” food around, which was close enough to Lebanese to make JZ’s eye’s water. (He loves all Middle East food. By the ton.) Along with that VHS collection.

           The landlord offered $50 to clear the place out, but that would not amount to the cats and salvage, if any. There was a big bag of feed in the kitchen they had gotten into themselves, and I set out a pan of water nearby. They were hiding in the counters, drawers and under the pillows. Steve had said the bed was worth $3,000 but I doubt I’d get $50 for it today or tomorrow.
           The other Fred, the guy with the wireless networking troubles, called back. He took my advice and called up Bellsouth to find out if they had a problem. Yes, they did, and he was on the line with them for five hours. Glad I was busy with something else.
           That something was biking over to the Fair, the one that Anna O said to check out. Except for a used book sale and 40 feet of used clothing, the entire Fair was an imported midway. Nor was Anna there. Allow me to make some comments about such “Fairs”. They lack any local flavor and I do not like that. With few exceptions, the rides are the exact same models you can see in 1950 magazines. What shocked me was the prices. The little Duckie Pond was $8.00 a pop. To win a balloon.

           Wallace emailed with a far more balanced plan of what to do with his recent windfall. He has often mentioned a hip operation or replacement that he is contemplating. I know he’d reported an earlier operation that left on of his legs shorter than the other. So as to be clear, he needs a second operation to take care of this. As I figured, he is hesitant to leave the small dog with strangers. I don’t think he has any choice. His plan is to stay here up to six weeks.
           During that time, he wants to see the Keys, Tampa and Ft. Meyer’s. I advised him to check out the distances involved. The size of Florida is easy to underestimate. Mind you, if he wants to go see the Dry Tortugas, I’ll go along just to get out of town for a few days.
           Today is one week that Jane has been gone. She said she would email me a complete song list, which did not happen. However, I don’t know the nature of the trip or if she had Internet access while away. I will give things one more chance and move on to Jeff, the persistent guitar player, but what a pity if she does not follow up.

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