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Monday, March 12, 2007

March 12, 2007

           Yes, a cat has taken up residence in the trailer, and the only way it could have gotten inside is via Steve’s gear. I went over to find there are many places it could have laid quietly enough, and recall that I found just such quiet cats living in his dresser drawers. They did not move even when the drawer was lifted. I double-checked the perimeter and found nothing, so the cat did not wander in.
          There really is a trailer. Careful, I did not say what kind of trailer or what it is used for, but here is a picture of the “front yard”. This is the tasteful landscaping, using natural plants. Whether these weeds are indigenous or invasive is unknown, same with the people here. It gives the place a kind of rustic charm. That, with the allure of music and aroma of coffee wafting out the jalousies should be irresistible to real women. So, where are they?
          Mere hours later, I confirm it is a cat, and it is one of Steve’s. I cannot catch him, those cats were tame but also definitely the wariest I’ve ever seen. He (I hope it is a he) is living under that old A/C cutout along the east wall. It is a striped cat, similar to the neighborhood stray.

          The French brunette. She is being carefully mother-henned by Roland’s wife, indicating she is younger than I originally thought. But not much. Remember, at 21, virginity passes from an asset to a liability. They are leaving in a couple of weeks, back to French Canada for the summer. It sure was nice to look at for a while, sigh. She has poked around a bit, but you know women always do it in a way they can claim they were up to something different. Double sigh.
          I went into the computer shop, since there were no customer calls. This wound up being a half day of poking around. The kind of thing I like to do on the computer. I got the small things taken care of and came home to figure out what to do with the cat. It is far too skittish to come out while I am around, but food is the common denominator. I make noise when it is feeding time. It will learn to love me.

          Plus, the variety of diet here should put some meat on that skinny cat. Steve was feeding them dry food. After five years with Hebti (Robynses parentses cat), I tend to go for more natural cat food, what they would likely hunt themselves in the wild. The shortage of Wildebeest and Springbok around here means instead chicken and pork has to do. Hmm, does everything taste like chicken or fish to a cat? I accidentally spilled some of the dry food on the front patio. Even the birds would not touch it, I swept it up after a day.
          Much later, by which I mean 4:30 AM, I got up for a midnight snack – and I see so did the cat. I left out a quarter chicken. No, not bones, the chicken, set next to the dry food. I traditionally do this with a new cat to see how hungry the critter is, and also it cuts down on begging. Predictably, the chicken was gone but not the dry food and not the chicken skin. Purina, Dr. Ballard, are you listening?

          Don’t think I’m industrious. Never mind what your parents told you, only idiots with dead-end jobs get up this early in the morning. Did your parents ever get up this early? The fact is, daylight savings often gives me jet-lag symptoms. It is quiet even for Florida and gave me a chance to review this blog. Are you curious how it fits into the bigger picture? I’ll tell you anyway.
          This blog represents around 1/42nd of the available records [depending on the criteria]. It is the second largest collection of records not stored here, the largest being with Marion. Even taken together, only one picture in 60 is published. I have been planning on a second blog with mainly pictures, but that has to wait until the current pictures get uploaded. The goal was to get 1,000 articles published. That may not take too much longer, although the most I’ve ever done per day is 30. The material is already written, just not published. It is doing no good here and is not adequately backed up.
          So as not to mislead, the majority of my journals are not word-processed, but hand-written. Thousands of pages. True computerized records did not appear until very late in the game, and many have been lost through magnetic deterioration, hard drives left behind in other countries and MS software screw-ups. (I have at least three hard-drives that will not let me read the contents, thanks, Bill.) As late as 1999, laptops were not an option in my travels, being far heavier than a pen and paper and electricity was not always reliable.
          That is me doing a little spade work in the back yard, where the flora has begin to overgrow my 30 square foot patio. I, er, accidentally located the neighbor’s cable TV underground conduit, which I quietly left alone. What woman could resist those sexy gams?

          It seems that there is a new round in the battle of customer service. It has always been so, but now far more outfits are demanding to see documentation before even listening. They want to see the bill of sale or the sales receipt first. Human scum. The document is hardly relevant most of the time, the scum are trying to save money knowing that a percentage of people don’t have filing systems to keep all that crap. This is an outright dodge of responsibility, it is also un-American. This is nothing new, but the number of reported instances is on the upsurge.
          The worst example is, again and again, Sony. Pioneers of the “service contract” aka selling you your own product warranty, and the semi-legal practice of attaching that warranty to the purchaser, not the product. Bought it second-hand but brand-new in the box? With Sony, you are SOL.

          Last for today, or this is actually tomorrow already, let me say a word about companies like Motorola. They suck. They will not help you out and that includes once they have your money. One thing that all reputable electronic companies do is make drivers for their devices available for free on the Internet. Not Motorola. After an hour of searching for a K1m/L7c driver for a cellular camera phone, the conclusion is that Motorola wants $38 and your life history first. They spent a fortune on web pages with pictures of sexy girls, but not one penny on what they are supposed to be selling. In case anyone missed that, I said Motorola sucks.
          It is almost 6:00 AM, so I’m crawling back in the sack for a couple more hours. What are you doing up this early, anyway?

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