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Thursday, March 22, 2007

March 22, 2007

           Goh-yud Dah-yum, I was busy now. I logged onto Craigslist and I’m 99% certainly think my adversary is “The G”. I wrote a short missive that I had received 34 warnings about losers who infest the site, and casually mentioned I believed I knew nine of them [so far]. Suddenly I get barrages and salvoes of hate-mail. All with the identical spelling and grammar errors. You decide.
           To help you do so, let me point out that my “opponent” was instantly infuriated by my [published] suggestion that some standards be applied [a blacklist]. I was stunned by the malice of the replies, but quickly noticed all was from the same source. It seems to me a smaller group than I thought may be responsible for the majority grief on the musician’s lists. Who else would so vehemently oppose even basic standards?
           If you want to live where it is warm all the time, you must get used to the fact that a lot of lazy people, like cockroaches, also like nice weather. Hence, I took this nice picture of garbage in the streets around a block from the most expensive hotel in the area (Diplomat). Florida is very third world that way, the hotels are built next to slummy areas. It keeps the guests on the premises and using credit cards.
           So I came home early and clicked on the TV. Soon, I had to click it right back off. I see there is no microwave popcorn in my pantry. How do I ever expect to get laid in this County? I put on the coffee and some rice, and got to thinking about the band. I play bass, but you know, I can also kind of pace through the rhythm parts. In fact, I have often done so to learn the bass lines, and to teach students. I need to rethink this through.

           To relax and be unfettered by intellect, I put on Hemmingway’s “Kilimanjaro”, from back when producers obviously [and erroneously] figured good authors produced good footage. Talent, it seems, was already in short supply by 1950.
          Dickens called, actually a couple of times. He commented on this blog, so you watch out. I’ve already been told this blog is more interesting than a Britney Spears crotch shot. (She really did just forget, honest!)
           After a few hours, I have not reached any conclusions about music. Am I that bad a guitarist? Could Brian play bass? Should I lower my standards? This area is full of soloists mainly because they have failed to form partnerships of any kind in life. Even the G considers me to be money-hungry because he has personally failed to make any. This is a strangely recurring theme from that direction, from a guy too cheap to use his air conditioner.
           Ah, well, unlike his guitaring, I can claim my bass playing gets better over time and people who work with me make more than $200 a year. (That is another story.) The major goal today was to examine what was available in Florida jobwise. It is not pretty. I went through the government listings as well as the major employment pages. Every retard in town must have a bachelor’s degree these days. Most of the advertised jobs seemed to be the traditionally hard to fill, such as working with the handicapped.

           These jobs were also very poor-paying, although I suppose $35,000 per year might look good to some people. The US Navy lists its “jobs” under the heading of “Overseas Employment”. Insert snide remark here. There is a huge increase on background checks and intense focus on why you left your last job. Obviously employers find the Internet a blessing on that score. The job descriptions have also been altered to make it clear when it is not busy, you are expected to stick a broom up your ass so you sweep the floor while you’re walking around.
           Neely O’Hara. Who remembers her? That was the lead character in “Valley of the Dolls”, played by Patty Duke. I was looking at real estate prices in Coeur d’Alene and noted a comment about Neely O’Hara. It caught my interest enough to read up the entire article. Yeah, who remembers Patty Duke? I do, she was a child actress who married a soldier she met on set. She got famous by winning $32,000 in a rigged television contest when she was twelve. The pain! Anyway, she cleared out while the going was good. She now lives in Idaho with five sons and is the butt of many bad jokes. You know, about the sergeant. How twice a week she dresses up like Iwo Jima and he invades her.
           Where was I? Oh, yes, employment. It just does not look good. It is as if a lot of these places want you to actually work. Most are sales jobs that involve cold calling. I’ve also noticed an increase in Internet complaints about many of the standard ads, the ones that are “always hiring”. When there is not one job in the entire state that I don’t turn my nose up at, something is out of whack.

           Last, Steve’s cat. By moving the food dish a little further each day, I’ve got it eating in the kitchen and I’ve seen it a few times. Striped tabby cat, I cannot be sure if it is one I saw at his place. It lives quietly behind my entertainment shelving and looks too skinny. I guarantee you it is well-fed, if not overfed. I increased the portions each day until there was some left over. I’ll be sure to return the critter when he gets out. Then, I have no idea what or how long he [Steve] is in for.

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