You see, the Circus gate was closed. All the seats were taken. So they had four Miami types standing there with the gate roped off. All four of them with their bright red Miami-Dade Fair short-sleeve shirts. Staring at that 800 person lineup. As each small group approached the rope, they would make them wait a while and then whisper that the Circus was full.
Now, it takes more than one Miami type to really be anal. Each of these groups would grimace, then walk away. They had to wait in line uselessly, so all the others should have to as well. I was near the front, and as soon as this happened to me, I walked down the entire line yelling that the Circus was full, please come back for the next show in two hours.
The four Miami Morons stood there in stunned disbelief, like I had just taken away their jobs. More than a dozen people gave all four the finger, one with both hands. The four had looks of disbelief on their faces for they could not see any connection as to why all those people were angry. How rude! Could it have something to do with standing in the Miami sunshine for a half-hour for nothing?
Back to the singer problem, well not a problem as I could find a singer any time. It is finding a singer who will strum. Same thing on the west coast, so I will solve it the same way. Out here they call a jam session an “open mic”, which where I’m from is connotative of stand-up comedy. I’ve combed these places before, just not in this part of the world. It takes a lot of time, and you kind of get ripped off on drinks. It is still cheaper than wasting time with non-starters.
It makes sense to call it an open mic, I guess, because the house band does not play with the newbie, and in fact often gets off the stage and walks away. To me, this strongly discourages many people from getting up there – instead you get the almost good and the pretty bad. Then, since the guest [or whatever they call them here] rarely brings charts and music for the other musicians, he is really on his own. Yes, I know that all of these add up to one bad scene that could be fixed if each person was just a little less lazy, but then it would not be Florida.
I just had the most interesting chat with Cowboy Mike (not to be confused with Cowboy Jeff). This is the man that The G claims ripped him off for a $400 PA system. The other side of the story is that it was only $250. Of which $200 changed hands when the G said the PA did not work and refused to pay the last $50. That makes more sense.
Now the G is doubly stupid, because first of all he has not figured out the computer postings were a lampoon, and secondly, he may lose me as the only friend he’s ever really had, at least in the seven years I’ve known him.
Sure, he’s got the Small Man Sickness, but I never thought he’d pull that act on me. He did. Threatened to come over here with a gang and something or other. That’s because he’s too short to do anything on his own. Did I tell you the little bastard was only 5 foot 4? No? Well, then I won’t because he is so embarrassed about it. That and the fact that he has no gang. Who’d let him join? And what for?
Anyway, the plan is to tour the open mics in the area, starting later this week. I cannot recall the name of the local paper that advertises these events. First to the music store, then I’m going out for coffee. This day was excellent bicycle weather, if a tad windy. In case I don’t get back until late, I report I can now pick the cat up and pat her. It is a female, so she stays in the house 24/7. It is still a strange cat that now lives under my swivel chair and meows at me. Her ribs don’t show any more, and her fur is shiny.
How was business? Interesting. One client wound up in the hospital over a car accident and the other needed by help to download an email attachment. It was a movie file, of all things, a Jewish baby being circumcised. You cannot stop parents from thinking everyone else is as interested in their kids as they are. However, this video was just rockin’. They had made a story to the tune of, I forget already, it was some ancient tune like the G would play. The point is, it was very well made.
Beware that in the State of Florida, you can be jailed up to sixty days for burning railway ties without a permit. However, it is not illegal to waste people’s time at a Fair.