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Monday, March 5, 2007

March 5, 2007

           Sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do. I drove over to Steve’s old place and rounded up the last of the junk. A few hours later, I zipped into Fred’s, who had the actual Steve on the line. He wanted to know if I had saved his backstage passes, which looked like “stickers in one of the drawers.” It’s a good thing I took a lot of pictures.
          Then, and I’m not exaggerating, his clothes as stacked up beside the East wall of my trailer began to get over-ripe. I proceeded to call Ruth that today was not right and lug what turned out to be 13 loads of Steve’s laundry over to Hallandale Beach. That’s wash, the drying took another four loads. See the photo? I’ve got thirty more incase anybody wants to look over the Japanese puzzles I worked waiting for the lovely sound of a dryer winding down.

           Steve, I must say, wears heavy clothes. I got out of there by mid-afternoon and checked a computer at Day’s Inn. It is north of the Denny’s I used to patronize at I-95 and Sheridan. They had a MBR virus so bad I could not even boot it up in safe mode. The Day’s Inn has an excellent quiet and air-conditioned Internet room, run by Al. He’s agreed to take an hour lesson with me to prevent this kind of trouble again. One of those budding manager types, he will really shine on what I show him, if it works out.
           I took an hour off and went back to the shop, giving me plenty of time to think through, to fathom. I wrote to Wallace, indicating that he should make his planned visit half as long (3-1/2 weeks and not 6 weeks) and wait until he has reliable people to conduct his affairs. This all must happen within the next three months. I once shared a place with Wallace and his wife, Maggie, for nearly a year and I do not conclude he will find anyone reliable beyond the holiday as recommended.

           At this point, I sent some email to Jeff, the vocalist. I cannot separate what I tell him from the earlier prospects. He seems cool with that, and we exchanged song lists. He’s the guy with 500 tunes. Later in my career, I junk vocalists who underspecialize. He must either slough them off, or play the exact type of guitar riffs I seek, since nobody knows 500 tunes by heart. His list was nearly 50% country tunes I never heard. The good news is we would already have 25 tunes we both agree on.
           Then a network and Internet install on Johnson. For whatever MS claims, it is still far too easy to lock up your computer. The client had a mess of equipment problems due to neglect. It was easy money to who the man who knows the game, so I had a great day. I still advise against MS Vista, it has too many problems and it is not much of an improvement. The changes are cosmetic and did not address dozens of major flaws.

           Anything new? Well, Mitchell, up in Ft. McMurray, Canada, went snow-jogging. This is where you join a club of like-minded drinkers and race two kilometers through deep snow. They have championships and monthly meetings. No less. For unknown reasons, two years ago all the Radio Shacks in Canada changed their names to “The Source”. Possibly, like myself, they discovered it was no longer possible to buy radio parts there?

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