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Saturday, April 14, 2007

April 13, 2007

           Big contest! Want to make $75.00? Take a look at this picture and be the first to tell me what it is AND where it is made. Do this before I publish the answer next week and I will pay you cash (money order) and if you’d like, publish your specs. Florida residents not eligible. (Or for that matter, intelligible.) We know for sure that, because it is machine-made, it is not one of a kind, and somebody must have seen one before.
           My first (believe it or not) morning dip in the Atlantic Ocean since I arrived here seven and a half years ago. Wallace got his directions turned around so I showed him the beach to get him oriented. Down into the water which was temperate. Tourist season is over, so the beach was quiet.
           While down at the waterfront, I stopped by and cleaned the windows on the Caddy. It is showing signs of being stored partially in the open for a few years. That’s Wallace taking a gander, he remembers that car from 15 years ago, we used to cruise down Marine Drive out west. If you look closely at the hood, that is a layer of Florida grime that has settled out of the air. You are breathing that crap in, an oily black residue that hangs in the atmosphere year round.
           Cowboy Mike called while I was in the shop for a few hours. He has manufactured a new item and wants some help marketing. I’ll take a look, write some blurbs, take pictures, rustle up the html and see what sells. They are “exotic wood peppermills” up to 22” long. I’ve seen those, the waiter comes by in Italian restaurants with a big bong and hits your soup or salad. I’ll get you pictures soon; I only think they are peppermills and have not seen them.

           Then, Wallace decided we should go out for a bite to eat, him buying. Okay. We went to the most old-fashioned eatery in the area, Nick’s on Hallandale Beach Blvd. Where he beat me in three more Crib games. The cafĂ© has been there for decades and still has free refills. I don’t bother with the theme joints, like these fake 1950s styled diners with $12 entrees. We had roast beef, coffee and chatted up the blonde waitress – who must have mentioned four times that she was married.
           On the way back some women said hello on the street. I kept on walking, Wallace stopped. I had to leave him find his own way home. I can’t stop him from wasting his own time (sure enough, they were selling religion). I had to get here for band practice, and arrived just in time to experience another setback. Luis has decided he does not like “any music except the Blues”. Nice of him to tell me so soon, wouldn’t you say?

           Don’t sweat it, I am more than prepared for such events and have other people lined up. Too bad for Luis, he had been doing remarkably well. Since the objective is just to play, there are a couple of ads for country bass players doing the rounds. I’ll get some song lists. They always hire me when I show up knowing all their material and I’ve done that enough times. Make no mistake about it, however, I prefer rock musicians who switch to country for the money and steady work. That is, I do not care for those totally into country as they seem to have personalities I have to actively tolerate.
           Take a look at Wallace on Hallandale Beach. You better wish you look that healthy at 75. Note the emptiness in the background, but also the brownish smog haze on the horizon. You’d think being near the ocean would push that out to sea. The camera lens makes it look far fainter than it really is. I’ve known Wallace so long, I keep thinking he is around ten years older than he really is. This photo proves he is still ready to tackle the tides.
           My memory for birthdays is rotten. I got chewed out. I forgot Marion’s. My excuse is that I can only send emails from the shop, which is closed on Sundays. I’ve known her half my life now. She is heading to Disneyworld in September. I will definitely get up there for a visit. I’ve never been in that part of the world. Orlando is in the middle of the territory and I’ve no reason to go there. I saw enough orange groves in California. Marion’ll be staying for a month.

           Argh, tune stuck in my head, an earworm. Don’t you hate it when that happens? My car radio picked up 102.5 FM and “Sweet Caroline” by Neil Diamond. The actual hit was a studio production with two or three different bass lines. Different bass guitars as well, listen to it. I finally downloaded it and I’m plucking out a good generic set of riffs. Till 8:30 PM.
           Soon, Wallace and I headed for the night life. For now that means a small club south of here staffed by illegals with no work permits. I don’t know about him, but I speak more French with Florida barmaids than I ever did elsewhere in the world. Now he believes me when I tell him there are no women in south Florida. We have been driving around in the toothpick car. We have to get him some transportation soon, before he gets bored with sitting on my patio.

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