Jose across the way blew the transmission gasket on his van. He puts so much labor into keep that Dodge running that I think somebody sold him a junker. I lent him a ton of tools but I know nothing about transmissions. He helped us refill the flat on Wallace’s rental, which got swapped for a better car later in the day.
Wallace is spoiled, he has nothing to gauge things by, but he has again hit some of the nicest weather and lightest traffic in years. Still, it was hot enough to encourage just taking the day off and reading a good book. We toured the Canadian flea market at the Mardi Gras casino. I even bought a new wrist watch, which tells me I am about to take a late afternoon nap in about thirty seconds. See you later.
Take a look at my high quality crib board. See the warped plastic. Some people like to think it was their “smokin’” hot crib skills that caused the damage, but it was a combination of cheap product and Florida sun on the dashboard of my car. The wooden boards are bulky, heavy, and don’t have a pocket to store the cards.
Over on 441, we got a different rental car, the other one needs lots of little things repaired. Now it is a freshly painted Neon, whoever makes those. Neither of us like the view from the interior, the hood is angled down so you cannot see (or perceive) the distance to the front bumper of the car.
I also bought a new wristwatch. Sorry, but that Lorus was too finicky and did not have directions in the case or on the Internet. It had a dozen features, like a stop watch which nobody uses yet it would set itself into the 24-hour (Military time) mode, or the beep on the hour mode and no amount of experimentation could easily turn those off. My new Ottimo is bilingual. At midnight it changes to “SUN” and at noon to “DOM”. Clever. Anyway, this one is quartz, but has an analog face with arms and a second hand. It is more, well, cowboy.
Let’s find some trivia. Okay, everybody has heard about that modern art painting some museum hung upside down for, what was it, 24 days? Until an art student noticed the error, and not a moment too soon; sometimes wonder how we have survived as a Nation. Anyway, the name of the painting is “La Bateau”. I have no idea what that means or who painted it. Not being an art student, and all. But I do know that is about as famous as that painting ever got.
Newest cowboy pickup line. “Any woman who is too drunk to drive – please step up to the stage.”
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