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Monday, April 9, 2007

April 9, 2007

           Of course, I would like to think it was my pen that caused the retraction of that ridiculous law against riding a bicycle in the Young Circle park. Some may recall the day I had to dismount and walk my bike away. There is likely no connection, but both the bylaw and the security guard have disappeared. I rode through there this morning just before noon.
           Wallace emailed to issue the ultimate challenge. He says he is the King of Cribbage. I beg to differ, and the tournament begins this Thursday. First to win 51 games buys. (That is correct, in my crowd, the winner pays up and those who cannot understand this behavior are not expected to.) I have not had steak and lobster in ten years, but I’m beginning to savor it again.

           Since I had the Taurus in for new tires, I continued on to the Thrift and did the daily shopkeeping. Legs has been replaced, a new gal was in today. Younger, taller, and blonde. Wow, officer material. No chance for a picture. All is forgiven over the mis-priced chair. Although there was a tiny squawk with Damion. He came in later in the day and insisted I look up prices for him or get off the computer because he was “the one who makes money”. I informed him I never did like his attitude.
           We parted on friendly, but non-speaking terms. He is to come in when Dickens is there and throw his weight around at that time. Jerry the Irishman was in today. You can sure tell he was one tough rumbler in his day. Otherwise, it is curious how many people come in that recognize me from the computer store, but I cannot place them at all. Dickens lent me a director’s cut of Alexander, which I shall stay to watch tonight.

           Some facts about Pudding and the knife. The Humane Society takes your call and within five days lets you know when to bring the cat in. The fee is $35, and they give it the shots. It is reputedly very busy over there at this time. I don’t understand cat anatomy, but I do know that Pudding will soon have to be spending more time outside.
           More facts, this time Norton Anti-virus. Of all the insane things, it has a feature that goes into Windows and turns on the automatic updates. I got a call-out from an old client and I distinctly remember turning off the updates. I turned it off again, only to get a Norton popup that it had to fix a serious problem. Sure enough, and I toggled this back and forth several times to make sure I could believe my eyes.

           Up yours, Norton. How many times do I have to tell people to stay away from that application because of its unpredictable behavior. It does not, as claimed, run automatically in the background protecting your computer. The automatic mode should never be used. Although all the correct items had been configured [by my client], the LiveUpdate feature that was supposed to download virus updates was not working. It would find and announce the updates, but not download them. Thus, when I went in an issued the command manually, there were 31 catalogs of virus files that had never been downloaded. Thus, my client had been running an outdated anti-virus scan every week since last September. A total waste of time. Way to go, Norton. Yes, yes, we know it is not your fault. Again.

           I closely examined the curriculum at Barry University, as I always do whenever business slows down. They still offer instructions in Pascal, Cobol and RPG. Depending on what they grant me, I have to seriously look into it after being told more than once that my computer education is “outdated”. That is not and cannot be true, but it can be used as an excuse not to hire, which is more likely the case. I would immediately use such a prestigious degree to get any kind of teaching position I could.
           Enter a new face, and a fairly pretty one she has. Marlaine. I don’t know the details of why she is still single, and I intend to find out. I met her in the lobby of an apartment near Oleta Park, where I used to bike at dusk [in the park, not the lobby]. The plan is to meet up for coffee tomorrow. She is too pretty to be unmarried but just sometimes the problem is something I can live with. A good example is bitchiness. It does not bother me at all, which I cannot explain. She is a dancer (ballet) with a couple of advanced degrees.

           Later. It is three in the morning. That Alexander [movie] does go on. I particularly liked the battle scene in Bactria (India). It is an aspect of military history I have never studied, particularly using elephants to plow across the hedge of lances rather than through it. Hollywood loves to show ancient battles as a melee, but it stands to reason only the first few rows of men actually fought each other. I question the numbers (40,000 Greeks vs. 250,000 Persians) as legend and the fact that numerical suffixes of the period are ambiguous. Paradox: the tiny round shape of the Greek shields is proof that their enemies did not have bow and arrows, yet we know they did. I give up.

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