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Wednesday, May 17, 2006

May 17, 2006

           Usually a day I take it easy. It was quiet at the shop and a lovely new rash of viruses have gotten right past my protection. The virus that does that rapid fire, opening up to eighty windows as fast as you can close them. Also, don’t let MS tell you that adding password security to your computer does not affect the operations.
           For example, all limited accounts reverted to United Kingdom English, which would not be bad if it did not reverse the double quotes and the at-sign. Plus, it stops the operation of Instant Messenger, which really bothers some people. When you go to install certain programs, even as the administrator, it comes back with you are not authorized to do so. Still, I have to figure it all out. But at least I'm not in Minnesota, watching logs float down main street in the flood.

           A new lady came in today, Linda (?). She is from Iowa or one of those nothing states way up there. Single, if you account for her leaving her boyfriend, a computer repairman, and once almost marrying a divorced man with teenage children. Pretty, Peruvian, late twenties but just holding the line. Thanks to Bellsouth continually disconnecting our service, we talked for nearly an hour.
           I joked with her that there are no millionaires in Florida under 60, and she quickly, almost too quickly, denied that money had anything to do with what she was looking for. Pretty or not, I’ll see if she makes the first move. She just cannot figure out how a gringo knows so damn much about the Mexican hit parade.

           Justin’s monthly bill for Mike’s web host came in today. Has it been a month already? I’ll contact him tomorrow morning. Ha, has it been fifty years already? I’ve got, for the first time in my life, a sore back. I’ve had back pain before, but this is something different. The only thing different was that I fell asleep in the armchair the night before. That is the most comfortable chair I’ve ever owned.
           True, I am moving around without restriction but this might be a good time to remind us that you never really recover from the weakness of a heart attack. It saps what I call your “core energy” to a degree that is noticeable even years later. You have to draw on this energy reserve to do sometimes ordinary things, and this can be embarrassing. I walk all the time, yet sometimes I’ll get winded just getting out of the car or bending down to pick something off the ground. You still do all these things, but you are aware that you’ve borrowed the energy.

           The shop is nearly totally dependent on adequate Internet service. While I can do mechanical and electrical repairs, I have to download drivers and information to test and set up. I have the Barbie on the bench but left early today to get some lumber and a can of paint for Fred. Red.
           The weather was perfect, meaning 70 degrees and overcast in this town. I hauled out the tools and fixed the front planter and gave the trim a third coat of Colonial Green. I drilled out the old bolts on the planter and replaced them with shiny chrome screws. The rusted innards are replaced with 1x4 which I figure will last as long as I’ll be in this trailer. I see the neighbors aren’t used to seeing things done in stages as I can hear them muttering that things “look better now”. Publix has bought another good batch of coffee, by that I mean comparable to Maxwell House French Roast but at 65% of the price.

           Oh, Bob was in unexpectedly. He likes the lessons but also knows not to move to fast into this new territory. My shop equipment is not as nice as what I have here, so I’ll have to make duplicates for him tonight. He stated that no only was he told the disks could not be copied, I was the only one who was even willing to try. Caution here, I am no genius, it was something I had seen before and knew the solution. Man, that is actually a superior batch of coffee. Anyway, Bob is intrigued by the part I can’t teach anyone – how I know when something is going wrong without the computer saying anything. It is experience, I guess, because I often do things subconsciously when he points them out. Example, I know that when Nero Express copies a disk too fast to 51%, it is going to stall.
           Anna was in touch, she is dismayed by the total cost of setting up this network. I’ll bet you that nobody along the process told her how expensive it would be in the end. I mean, $380 just to hook up the wireless portion. Two new Dell’s including a laptop. Network is a great idea, but how many people really know enough to actually price the things out before starting. Computers are nasty for expensive surprises

           I’m due to retire to the living room, now that I have one, and practice some Mexican music. Is Carlos Santana Mexican music? Close enough for me. I like Oye Como Va and would like it even more if I could figure out an easy way to remember where the bass line changes.
Oh, there was a lady put a no-nonsense letter on CL, and I wrote to her saying I understand her approach. She wrote back, and we may have contact soon. Sadly, age has forced me to accept dealing with women I can’t give the Mark I eyeball test.            That is maybe, I emphasize, for I do not even know her age or weight. Those factors are so important there are three columns in my date book. I swear, when I am sixty, they won’t be such a big deal. Oh, and another lady wrote back complimenting my ad for meeting us by showing up at the pizza joint. It takes a while but they are out there, I’ll look, but I warn you, the attraction has to be immediate, spontaneous and exclusive or it has never worked with me. Courtin’ has never gone anywhere in my books, if they are hungry, take them to Winn/Dixie.