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Tuesday, May 2, 2006

May 2, 2006

           Major problem, at least for me. The backup copy of the old video computer disk did not take, as happens too often with optical disks. It shows as okay, but the files are not there. On top of that the originals will not display on what is now my new F: drive. I spent the entire day desperately trying to recover these files, including a 9-day gap in this journal. There is around that amount of lag time between the local backup and the optical backup.
           Absolutely no word from JP and his phone is unplugged. Did I mention I took the Argus [digital camera] apart and disconnected the speaker? Well, it also makes the shutter button trickier to use. I have no pictures of the symphony last weekend. No word from the G either, so I’m guessing he scored. Careful, she is twice his size.

           [Author's note 2020: digital pics were rare in 2006 around here. This is possibly a repeat, but it is from the same time. Making apple pie. Back when I could eat such things.]

           No interesting social developments, so I went on the rants and raves of craigslist. Have you ever noticed that every person there, except for the odd fantastically creative author, is a dull and uneducated piece of shit? What? Well, I notice it all the time and that is that. Anyway, I love to infuriate such people. It is not true flaming, I suppose, because I have no intention of converting them nor do I have any really strong positions on most of the subject matter. I merely have strong opinions about the allowability of stupid people to express opinions.
           I think everyone should have to prove they have read at least one book on something before they can mouth off. The least of my favorites in this already detested group were out if force today – jocks who can’t score with young women and hate anybody else who does. The topic was the same old, “I prefer older women because they are more mature.”

           That is just not true, shacked up forty year old women are some of the most maladjusted creatures in existence. The point here is that a series of rather malicious bites began when somebody suggested that older women stay out of clubs that primarily cater to a younger crowd. That lit the fuse. What is old, and why can’t they go anywhere they please? This naturally brought out that some guys hit on older women, which led to older men hitting on younger women. The last development always brings out the jocks.
           I gave one set of those bastards a brain fever. I insinuated that I was 44 and had already picked up and had sex with their 21 year old daughters, who I dumped after one night because they had the “damp musties”. It was not hard to figure out which ones had teenage daughters and suggest they were stupid fathers. The real hostilities started, however, when I suggested that the true reason they liked older women was their lack of success with the younger ones, both now and when they were in their prime.

           [Author's note: this photo appeared in a slightly later version of today's post. Formatting a C: drive, something you probably don't want to do for kicks.]

           Thank God for the Internet, because I hit a boiling point on that one. Jocks never admit they are past their prime, ask Al Bundy. Naturally I picked up on the theme and went on to twist the knife mercilessly. Gee, I tried to tell them not to blame me by assuring them all their friends already knew they never scored in high school and that they had gone through the sexual revolution “without firing a shot”.
           Of course, to a loser jock, all women under 28 are jailbait. Somebody should document the problem. To me, a 21 year old woman is all grown up sexually and if she is going to do it, she has by then. Jocks have no comprehension of female sexuality and are wide open to wild theories, so I gave them some. There was one jerk on line, probably an off-duty cop, that was ready to kill. Good, these people need to be supremely insulted because they think they have the right to impose their views on others, and their views are usually based on the misplaced morality of preventing others from doing what they tried and failed to do themselves. Prime example: Prohibition.

           Last, the MS problem on the Internet. My prediction is that if MS keeps snooping on people's computers and they keep doing this, older versions of Windows will become very valuable. I am convinced MS is invading existing systems and implanting the determinants, all disguised as an update or “Service Pack”, because the systems did not do this before. It could be a change in the way they do business but they still need to trick you into incriminating yourself. Thus, turn of your auto-updates for now.
           I reformat new drives to Windows 98 before installing XP, which seems to clear out the problem at least at this end, as well as using a two year old version of everything, before these so-called updates. Oh, and I heard a new word, a contrived term actually. I have no idea if it is new or not but I like it and intend to use it. “Conflication”. From context, it seems to apply to the situation where working on one component on a computer causes another to malfunction.