Are these MP3 files ever easy to work with compared to .wav format. The trick is to keep organized and before too long, you have Hank doing that triple turnaround at the end of “Hey Good Lookin’”. You have to split the Audacity tracks and insert silence, and the only way to recombine (bounce) the tracks is to export the file and open it again. I’m half done but miles ahead.
The evolving list shows what I suppose would be called my influences. Except my influences are the people I have played in bands with, not the recording artists. Florida people account for a quarter of my list, with tunes I would never otherwise have bothered with such as “Things We Said Today” and “El Paso”.
(I am aware it is not pure profit, that statement is based on the cost of flying the airplane. There is little doubt American-style management with its grossly outdated middle-managers, advertising budgets and customer service departments would eat up 90% of what is left over. Americans are strange that way, instead of paying one good guy enough to do the job right, they replace him with a few dozen low paid staff who can’t do anything except make excuses. Right, Comcast? BellSouth? Bank of America?)
What I’m about to tell you, trust me, I understand the theory, but I just find the process to be in poor taste. Some wedding pictures arrived by email, that is, with a link to the site. Except, it was not to the pictures themselves, but to a photography studio. You could preview the pictures but not decode them. (I ran into this a few months back and nobody knew what I meant. Now it is everywhere) You could order prints at $5.00 per picture. There were 2,532 pictures of the wedding. Maybe I just feel that if you can’t give a set of your own wedding pictures for free, why are you getting married? Here, enjoy these pictures. You paid for them.
I bought too cheap a DVD player. The output jacks randomly vary the volume level. I’m on the right path, though, and may spend most of the next few days practicing my stage persona. This weekend may be off, I believe I’ve come down with something. Weak, tired and dizzy, it is almost like being wakened by an alarm clock.
Then off to music school. Got my first drop-out. Apparently she did not practice and was too shy to show up over it. The remainder of the class was jamming most of the evening. This is the class that was almost cancelled before it started, but in the end continued with fewer people. That means things are zooming along because of the extra personal attention. I see that “Chatahoochie” is one popular song. I’d never heard of it until a couple months ago. I gotta get out more.
Even later, I under-explained the song just mentioned. I listen to music regularly, particularly live. But most radio moves far too slow for the thinking man. One good tune an hour and you have to wait that hour. I had heard parts of “Chatahoochie”, but only certain passages that caught my attention. Such as the decidedly un-country introduction. The turnaround also reminded me of other music so I would hum the wrong lyrics. That’ll mess you up. And serve as a warning to direct plagiarism. What I meant is I never sat down and listened to the music start to finish.
Final item, Jay-Jay called. He also mentioned radio, but informs me of a situation new to me. I explained how a DJ rents a slot and then farms out advertising to make a profit. There are no radio slots left that he can use. The station he had lined up sold out and he reports that a certain group are buying up all the unused weekend day slots. Religion talk radio. And we wonder why the world thinks we are a bunch of arrogant oafs. “Was your sermon today AM or FM?” “Yes, but was it in stereo?” I gotta stay home more.
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