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Tuesday, May 22, 2007

May 22, 2007

           Here is another rare picture – me handwriting. Although I was one of the first in the world to own a laptop (Tandy 1100FD), I still recorded this journal by hand. This is at the counter of the Studio City Denny’s in California, 1991. I wrote there on Saturday mornings, so I would place this in midsummer before I started working at Kinko’s. Yes, I am quite aware I look like I’m 21 years old, and still did up to 1996. Note the short haircut.
           Pardon me making three pots of coffee today, they were small pots. I zeroed in on the code of making the business card tables but not the code for the database. I was continually distracted by incoming calls, but managed to get coding defined. I am actually making more work for myself in the long run, but hey, it worked for eBay. Ideally, I should construct a database that displays, in groups (of twelve), the criteria that the customer enters. All of this will have to be redone later once I learn to create the correct code.

           So I biked over to the shop. After a few hours, I folded up and went to the Library. The Hollywood library, where they won’t let non-members use the index. Can’t have unidentified people looking up information. Can’t have people learning things that are not on file. There have been confirmed cases of strangers brazenly walking in, reading a book and walking right out again. Such crimes must be stamped out. Homeland security, you know.
           I see these ancient photos are a popular item, so here is another. This is Robynette’s parent’s house, where I lived 1991 to 1995, half as long as Robynette did. “Robynses Parentses Place”. This was likely taken during one of the uncommon winter snows on the west coast. It is heavy, soggy snow, not the light fluffy kind. It never gets cold enough for snow to last any length of time in that part of the world. Just long enough for your car to get stuck in it. The driveway is under the deck. The house is surrounded by forest on three sides and faces south over the river valley.

           Okay, one more old picture. This is the tall (5’7”) and lovely Kim B. who I dated during the summer of 1975. Back when everything was real and natural. (She turned away at the last moment because she was smoking and didn’t want her picture taken.) She is 19 in this picture, a hairdresser, no tattoos. A bit of a natural showoff, all the guys in the band loved to spy on her in the back yard. There is an interesting story how I met Kim. I had seen her earlier one day, she worked for a French lady I knew.
           Kim apparently got directions to the coffee shop (a much bigger part of one’s day in civilization) where I hung out. I asked her what she wanted and she replied, “I want to take you and a bottle of Black Tower back to your place and not quit until you’re both finished.”
           That is precisely what happened that summer day in 1975.

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