A day practicing music is not a waste in any way. I took it easy, learning all Mike’s music plus the tunes for my Wednesday music class. I have a little bad news for them, the Dixie Chick tunes they picked are not at all as easy as needed at the level they can play so far. Plus whoever wrote out the chords for them was tone deaf.
I bought three of those medium pizzas, the Domino 555 deal and pigged out. On just one, I mean, the others are in the freezer for the next week. Speaking of overeating, I have that TV series “Dark Angel”. It is the actress that amuses me, because they recorded the scenes over a long period of time.

(So, for those of you guys who are hard of seeing, I have included a picture of the fat upper thighs so you can see what I’m talking about. This was after around two pounds, it has since trebled. What? Well, maybe for you desperate types, but Robynette never had any fat like that. Nor did any other gal I ever dated. True, that’s past tense, but better a has-been than a never-was. Love them slim upper thighs. That’s slim, not skinny.)
For a change, I watched news on TV. I see that Paris Hilton is in hot water again, but what makes me angry is not her guilt but the method of arrest. It was done in the most public and embarrassing way possible. I’d hardly classify Hilton as armed and dangerous, yet they send a squad car with a pistol-packing fat man, where a plainsclothes man would have worked just fine. Plus, they make the activity available to the media so every prick with a camera can try to make his rep at another’s misfortune.
Also, I have no respect for the Judge that ordered all this. He is just as self-serving and publicity-seeking as the cops. It is not my opinion, it is a fact that none of this was necessary, she would have probably come in on her own if they’d merely phoned her. I have no love for Hilton, but I pity her and hope this wakes people up a little more to how the system is imposing cruel and unusual punishment. Public embarrassment is not legal punishment for any driving offence.
Another group of low-lifes made a big deal about how she was partying with her friends the night before. Well what do you dumb apes expect? She just got out of the joint, you goofs! What part of normal don’t you people understand? You media types seem to support these spectacular but unethical arrest methods all the way. I don’t lose any sleep when a news reporter gets killed on the job. Have you seen these people jump in front of cars and shove cameras in people’s faces?
Next, I found out the hard way that Western Union ATMs do not accept $100 bills. I rode my bike all the way downtown to avoid the exorbitant ATM fees and got stuck anyway as I had to take out another C-note at my destination. You may find it interesting that none of the stores in the area will change a $100 bill either, not because they suspect the bill, but none of them will trust their staff with that much money.
JP and I have decided that next weekend we have to get out of town for a while. It looks like south again, this time to Islamorada or Marathon Key for a bike ride. He has a paint job over at his brother’s all this weekend anyway. You watch, after eight months, he will still have no brake on his back wheel (it was broken when I gave him the bicycle, and he lives two blocks from a bicycle repair shop). He also reports that the seat give him a sore bottom. I suggested he find an old tractor seat and have that welded into place.
Even though I’m experiencing another spell of exhaustion (around twice a year since early 2004), I got through Cowboy Mike’s CD. I should add that it is a lousy CD with tracking errors I didn’t know were possible. It actually skips, and examining the spectrum shows he recorded it that way but I have no idea how. He also has an affinity for music by Jerry Reed, somebody I never heard of until yesterday. Mike has given me several copies of some tunes and no two are alike. Some have a boogie feel, but that just means I can kick up the bass lines with more freedom. One tune I especially like is called “King Bee”.
One thing amusing, while I was unloading the car, I had the radio on. It was hilarious to hear one caller with a hayseed accent so bad you could barely understand him. I mean such a total hick that “a” was a four-syllable word. But he was infinitely better educated than both disk jockeys and he talked them in circles before talking them into the ground. The topic was serious hurricane advice but I was astounded by how brilliant the caller was. The disk jockeys lost control within seconds and he led them around by the nose. You just don’t get enough of that around here.