Todays picture is actually a scan of the recipe for bannock. I may have used it already, but you know this blog loves a picture every day. I don't have one. My Argus [camera] is working fine. The strap that goes around my neck wore out. Argus cameras last forever. That is strap number two for that excellent digital camera.

We’ve checked every known avenue on that one, but while I’m talking Internet, there is another scam you should be aware of. Watch out for ads that use your parked domain name. The guilty party is usually the company you paid for the domain. I’m just informed I should explain this one in more detail. Okay, suppose you “purchase” the domain name That is now your domain name and nobody else can use it. Or can they, now?
The presumption is that you will acquire a web page using that domain name, however I can think of a dozen reasons you might register a domain name with no intention of ever using it. By registering a name, you create a vacuum and the domain registration company will go in there and fill it with junk advertising. Anyone who types will get a page full of other ads with a tiny little link in one corner saying is “on the way”. The majority of the page is filled up with somebody else’s advertising. Anyone who visits the page between now and the time you use it may get a completely wrong idea of what your business is all about.
Incidentally, when I called to complain, they tried the old 1990s record the conversation “for training purposes” (an outright lie, it is to cover their backsides when they screw up) and also tried to pump me for personal information (not the information of the account owner). Like I’m going to tell a zero stranger who answers a damn phone for a living my name, address and phone number. Ha! The prick on the phone actually tried to defend doing these things. To me! Let’s hear it for
I think I’ll take the evening off and work on that bass line to Fur Elise (“Fairly Easy”) just to see where it goes. Later. It went nowhere, I was dumb enough to sit down in the sleep magnet and did not wake up until 4:56 a.m. One day I will throw that chair out and start getting things done in the evenings. One priority will be a customer list for the doggie wigs. There are so many ways to do it, I admit I don’t have a definitive method in mind. But I do know I will be separating the credit information completely out of the loop.
This also means I have to go underground for a few days to relearn the methods of creating subtotals and such on database forms and reports. It is one of those things I seem to have to do over again every time I need them. Friday sound like a good day, because Alain called back and the contractors won’t be there until then. So the plan is for me to be there on Friday instead.
Speaking of contractors, I have one who admitted to me recently that he has not made any net gain in the past fifteen years. Goes to show you, since I worked the same amount of time for the system and was not one penny ahead of where I started, either. Yet, I had done things right to an uncommon degree. It is the system. When a stockbroker screwed me around, the court sided with the stockbroker, for instance. (There was some technical requirement to fill out a form we had never before filled out. Suddenly, that one time he insisted.)
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