Yes, there is a dirth of pictures these days. The trusty Argus is throwing batteries when I keep it around my neck on a lanyard. This problem has now been fixed. Ah, the wonders worked with duct tape and zap straps. I again praise Argus for having designed a camera that is repairable in the field. I had to get today’s picture from a different source. My scanner.

Looks like a day off for me. To the shop, to find and download music for the weekend. I’m toying with placing an ad for Jimbo’s at my own expense. I’ve heard the theory of slowing building up a clientele-following, but I’ve rarely seen it in practice. More often I’ve seen a place get swamped due to some change in the market and a percentage of those newcomers stay on. Good example, sushi restaurants. Had it not been for the diet fad, who would eat a lot of raw fish and seaweed?
I am reminded of a place called “Connections”, a nothing club near a western Amtrak station. Their most memorable feature was 37 televisions perma-tuned to ESPN. That place was deader than a golf course next to a whore house. Until one week, the owner put an ad in the Seattle paper and hired eight of the most gorgeous drop-dead big-boobed young blonde waitresses he could find for one month. $1,000 per week guaranteed plus free room and board. At his house. Ah, I see some of you remember that ad. Well, it packed the club to standing room only and an hour lineup outside the door.
The waitresses are long gone, yet to this day, that club is still considered one of the local pickup joints after twenty years. A different generation of single male drinkers have moved in that never saw the blondes, but still ask the owner when they are coming back. So I’m working on a plan to get the one-timers to become the old-timers.
What a sick spectacle this morning. Not Paris Hilton getting out of jail, but all those glory-hungry gunslingers (policemen) walking along beside her with their walkie-talkies and other paraphernalia, all jockeying for camera time. I call it the Eric Estrada mentality. I counted at least eight of them swaggering along. You pay for this. Worst was the “spokesman”, some bullet-headed no-neck pea-brain going on about how she had “fulfilled her debt to society”. Yes, we need more fully armed gorilla-shaped thugs in uniform to clamp down on these anorexic felons. It obviously requires far less brainpower to stage a theatrical arrest than to track down crooked politicians. And I don’t even like Paris Hilton.
From this point on, you get disjointed details of the day. I must have given away $300 in free lessons to people who just did not understand the basic operations of a computer. That is fine because it will pay off. In a way it was interesting, because I completely changed the way one guy looked at computers, a guy who came in to restore his “backup copies”. Turns out they were not backups.
During and meanwhile, I tried to find music an lyrics to more of the songs that Cowboy Mike is, according to him, training me to play along with. Sure. This works fine, because there is a country composer who was there last week that figures we captured the essence of his music. I’d know the guy to see him, and I’ll channel him over to my mentor, right? Further, I asked Jo about what she would like to sing. Two songs, Moondance and Stormy Monday. Mike also called about some tunes, but I did not have time to get into it.
Wallace was in touch, concerned about my [bicycle elbow] injury, and [he was] assured it was nothing. He was not kidding about his own hip joint surgery, wish him good recovery. That type of operation is best left to later in life, even if your recovery takes longer. Personally, I think he should pack things up and move down here from October 12, 2007 until December 11, 2007, but that is just a suggestion. That would allow him enough time to check out every last corner of this community while I was studying “all kinds of really important subjects”. Meanwhile, I mean.
Sure enough, there was a complete vacuity of the tunes I wanted on the Internet. Duh, it seems that most people over 40 just don’t post their favorite music on line, though it is hard to imagine any reason why not. I mean, if you just want to stop learning anything new from the day after you turn 18, I heard AT&T is hiring.
There was a mix-up at the warehouse today and Ruth was on the blower instantly. My guess is that that lag time between order and delivery has amounted to “a wrong size” of one item in the shipment. I’ll take care of it, although I take this opportunity to point out that the database records facts, not truth. I was asked how the database could make such a mistake. It didn’t. We ordered small and the standards for small were not set up until more than two months after the order was placed.
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