During the day, I ran off some advertising samples that were strictly to show that the process could be done in-house for short runs. Yes, I know better, but I did it anyway and accepted I would have to explain ten times to each person that the phrase “your ad goes here” was not permanent. Like, you’re not gonna leave it like that, are you? Another funny is the two marketing people, both are good at giving evasive answers and answering questions with questions. The UN could take lessons from those two.
Medieval history sort of intrigues me so I’ve been reading about the eleventh and twelfth centuries. I kept seeing the word “sacerdotal” every second paragraph but I could not get it from context. Time for the Big Dictionary. It means “priestly things” and by 1871 also meant a secret order of priests who were supposed to have supernatural powers. Well, secret at least until “The Exorcist” was filmed. What? Not again. Okay, just one more time, the eleventh century is the “ten-hundreds”. The year “1” was in the first century, so “101” was in the second century. Drop a digit to get the right era, we are now in the 21st century anno domini. Same goes for dates B.C.
Then I go over to Anna’s to find that I cannot remember where I wrote down the WEP code for her wireless network. I can’t connect two of the computers to the Internet. The signal is there but I can’t read it. That new computer sure is nice, although I just don’t think the current batch of flat screens is up to par. They staircase at some resolutions and have pet viewing angles. What? Staircase, you know, when diagonal lines zig-zag instead of being straight. Time to hit the textbook.
It was a twelve-hour day, but they aren’t really. I didn’t go in to work until almost 11:00 a.m. and was back here by 5:00 for a nap, then back at it until late. It beats working for a living, something I may very well have forgotten how to do. I would not mind a job but it is so hard to get one that doesn’t want you to commit to work there the rest of your life. I know from experience, I’m a lousy employee after three years of doing the same thing day in and day out.
Another thing, the quality of Publix Jumbo roasted and salted peanuts in the shell has gone downhill in the past two years. Shame on you, Publix. Peanut-lovers don’t ask for a lot of luxury in this life and you are cheaping out in the wrong area. For a start, your jumbo is what used to be your regular size and far too many peanuts are going through the roasting oven twice and coming out over-done. I won’t say anything about the increased number of misshapen units either. I mean, at $2.89 for a 2-pound bag, I want good-looking peanuts. Be warned, if things don’t improve, I may switch back to Planter’s, and I buy six pounds a month.
Another rip-off appears to be these ink-jet photo printers. After testing a variety of models and glossy papers, they all appear to have ink that runs if it gets wet, even hours after it appears completely dry. I’m going to try an experiment of stacking twenty prints in slots to see how long the ink needs to “cure” before it won’t run but I know it is at least 24 hours. Totally unacceptable, you ink-jet people. Charging a premium for the paper and it doesn’t even fix the ink.
Now I am not an inch ahead on the DVD player problem or learning new music. I’m allowed a bit of slack because of Blues band setting me a total of five weeks behind schedule. I stuck with it after my common sense told me quit because it was a great sound. However, I was doing 90% of the work myself and that wasn’t right. I’m not going to break it down for clarity, but it put me five weeks behind, not just the three weeks spent wasting time at the end. I haven’t had the time to make up the time, I haven’t checked my email in nearly a week and I’m out of everything.
Glancing around at the local clubs, I don’t see that any one of them has any particular potential. Between bad locations, lousy staff, high prices, no parking and seedy clientele, I’ll stick with what I’ve got. The locals do not appear to go to the beach area to hang out. Too expensive and a DUI risk since all vehicles have to cross the Intercoastal [waterway, with narrow drawbridges ideal for check-stops). Therefore, I kind of commit to playing at Jimbo’s the rest of the summer months. If luck is the rule, it is as good a bet as anything else.